
How academic libraries can help the post|pandemic student thrive

How academic libraries can help the post-pandemic student thrive

Libraries can help by creating safe spaces and adapting programs to varying stress levels throughout the academic year. For example, Western ...

How academic libraries can help the post-pandemic student thrive

Based on a webinar conducted earlier this year which included discussions between university librarians and user experience researchers from ...

Digital Scholar Bytes: Supporting Student Well-being Post-Pandemic

Academic libraries are embracing new approaches that extend beyond academic support, focusing on holistic strategies to promote student mental ...

Four college library–led strategies for student success

On college campuses, libraries can serve as a hub and connection point for students. Staff, engagement spaces, campus partnerships and ...

Charting the Academic Library Landscape in the Wake of COVID-19 ...

Thirteen of the studies from the selected papers have reported different types of challenges faced by libraries during the pandemic, which can ...

Supporting Student Wellbeing Post-Pandemic in Academic Libraries

The changes to learning environments and increased social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic has had a mental health impact on current ...

Your students don't know how to re-engage - Ex Libris

Libraries are in a unique position to support faculty in finding this answer and supporting the university students. They are the core of the ...

Reflecting on Pandemic Changes for Growth in an Academic Library

How academic libraries conduct orientation events is no exception to responding to this need. Approaches to student outreach and orientation to ...

2024 Top Trends in Academic Libraries

As he states, using his framework, “librarians can help students develop ... Supporting Student Well-being Post-pandemic. The changes to learning ...

Three (and a Half) Strategies to help Academic Libraries achieve ...

In this post, academic librarians from the National University of Singapore Libraries unlock major insights into strategies that promote student ...

Four ways libraries can improve student outcomes - ProQuest

Academic libraries serve as sanctuaries amidst the chaos of college life. By cultivating and transforming physical spaces where students feel ...

Gauging Covid's Lasting Impact: Part 4- The Future of Learning ...

Such shifts have yielded new perspectives and innovations in how librarians approach delivering services, supporting student success, managing ...

Student well-being matters: Academic library support for the whole ...

Abstract: In response to a marked increase in the prevalence and severity of mental health problems among college students over the last decade, colleges and ...

The Future of Small Academic Libraries

Small college libraries lack the vast collections and staff members of their larger college counterparts, yet amid the ongoing pandemic, the pressures and ...

Designing the post-pandemic library | Consulting

College students learn, study and collaborate in various places, but the academic culture of the campus is housed in the library. · Leaning into ...

Adapt and Thrive | Kaspar - College & Research Libraries

Librarians are looking external to their organizations to meet college and university priorities, to engage in collaborations that support student success and ...

Positive Mental Health-How libraries can help their communities thrive

As safe places of knowledge and learning, they can play a pivotal role in promoting mental health and wellbeing among students, staff and ...

How Academic Libraries Can Help Students Get the Most Out of ...

At a time when the cost of higher education is rising and so are questions about its value, libraries can lead the way in enabling student ...

Remaking academic library services in Zimbabwe in the wake of ...

However, while the COVID-19 pandemic has presented the world with numerous socioeconomic challenges, it has also helped to spur creativity and information as ...

COVID-19 in academic libraries: adjusting services to survive and ...

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many academic librarians had to quickly adjust to delivering information resources in an exclusive online environment.