
How are people managing a PhD during CoL crisis?

How are people managing a PhD during CoL crisis? - Reddit

It seems like working full time/part time phd is the most plausible option I could consider, if child care can be found/employer supports.

I want to do a PhD, but my financial conditions do not support me at ...

Do all your reading to become an expert in your subject area. Consider running some simulations, developing some models, etc. With some results ...

Top 3 PhD-level Strategies to Help You During the Crisis - LinkedIn

During PhD training we had it all: dropping funds (the grants got rejected), working from home (either deliberately during article writing, or ...

Research in a time of crisis: keeping my PhD on track

Those entering with previous Research training (Honours, Masters) experience have an inkling of the cerebral, financial and emotional challenges ...

Dealing with a PhD crisis - Flourishing Philosophy

This is the start of a self-perpetuating cycle, because there is nobody there to break those awful patterns of thought. Try working in a ...

PhD-supervisors experiences during and after the COVID-19 ...

For PhD supervisors who extensively worked from home over a long period, the situation created new conditions that affected their job performance. These altered ...

How NOT to be an academic asshole during Covid.

Just as talking about mental health does not make you weak, making a space for people to talk about quitting the PhD does not make more people ...

How to survive a 'mid PhD crisis' - The Thesis Whisperer

I spent the whole of 2013 running three experimental studies (I'm doing a PhD in organisational behaviour) only to find – along with some odd ...

PhD journey - this will boost your productivity and time management

the answer to avoiding a crisis with your PhD motivation and ... • Finish PhD - through c... Get better at academic writing • WRITING ...

Getting to the Other Side: Surviving the Ph.D.

I went to graduate school for a PhD in philosophy, a ... population and talk is building of a “mental health crisis” in academia.

How to stay sane through a PhD: get survival tips from fellow students

The line "up to students themselves to find a way out of their situation" is somewhat dismissive and blase about mental health problems ...

Why do students pursue a doctorate in the era of the 'PhD crisis ...

Despite the difficulty of obtaining academic positions, Diogo et al. (2022) found that students in the humanities and social sciences (HSS) were ...

Leadership in times of crisis - American Psychological Association

But managing also involves tuning in to your own internal emotional responses and understanding how those responses can influence decision- ...

Understanding the mental health of doctoral researchers: a mixed ...

The latest trend analysis based on data from 36 countries suggests that approximately 2.3% of people will enrol in a PhD programme during their ...

How PhD students and other academics are fighting the mental ...

It has initiated thesis advisory committees so that no single academic supervisor has too much power over a student. And it plans to survey its ...

Reassessing the mental health crisis among PhD students - CEPR

Furthermore, universities might consider offering stress management and mental health resources specifically tailored to the PhD experience, ...

Ph.D. Oversupply: The System Is the Problem - Inside Higher Ed

The jobs crisis is built into institutional structures, and to push past the logjam, universities must improve communication, information and incentives.

Experiences and viewpoints of PhD students completing their ...

This article narrates the experiences of four former PhD students who completed the transition from graduate student to graduates with PhDs during ...

You began a PhD and now you have depression. | by Mary Beth Kery

If you're a PhD student, there is lots out of your control that may be major stressors in your life. Maybe your co-author isn't pulling their ...

PhDepression: Examining How Graduate Research and Teaching ...

In this qualitative interview study of 50 life sciences PhD students from 28 institutions, we examined how research and teaching affect depression in PhD ...