
How can I debug a user LaunchAgent that doesn't seem to start or ...

How can I debug a Launchd script that doesn't run on startup?

But, I feel it's because I didn't add #!/bin/bash at the beginning ... Note: It will launch service with user root and start system-wide.

How can I debug a user LaunchAgent that doesn't seem to start or ...

Running the following user LaunchAgent does not show a started job, nor does the job log an error or do anything detectable.

Debugging this Launchctl Script (and writing a new one) - Reddit

Check out for how to structure and create launch agents and daemons in macOS. Using launchctl is just interacting with the launchd ...

How do I activate launchd logging on OS X? - Server Fault

sudo launchctl debug gui ... launchctl start dev.localmon # start is a legacy command and doesn't use the fancy new service-target notation.

Launch Agent quietly not loading - Apple Support Communities

How do I debug this? I tried plint, and it said my plist file was fine. launchctl load doesn't seem to provide any feedback. Here's my plist ...

Debugging launchd to fix nix permissions on MacOS -

The launchctl debug command will attach to a terminal, wait for the foo script to be run, and can override the options for stdout and stderr to output them to ...

Troubleshooting the launch of local user XPC Launch Agent

Also, the XPC Launch Agent doesn't appear in the Activity Monitor when the command line program is invoked. On the other hand, along the way ...

Can't get launchd plist run successfully in Mac OS X - Super User

app), then try to unload+reload the agent and see if anything relevant appears in the log. Share.

How to register an agent with launchd - Super User

Lingon is a good GUI tool to manage launchd. The project appears to be unsupported now... but it definitely still works on 10.5.x.

Debugging launchd plist jobs - mobeets

We want to be able to continuously monitor the outputs and errors of running our plist file. Open up a terminal and run tail -F /var/log/system.

Mailspring was unable to create or delete the LaunchAgent file

I wanted to use the “Login Items” feature of macOS so I could hide Mailspring on start, which doesn't seem achievable just using the “Launch on system start” ...

macOS Run Script with Launchd at Login - MacRumors Forums

I have also tried to run "launchctl start com.user.loginscript", but that makes no difference as it seems like Launchd is already trying to run ...

Launched - A launchd plist generator

If your plist doesn't seem to be running correctly, you can debug it by looking at the logs in Fortunately, launchd prefixes any activity with the ...

buildAgent launchd config loads as inactive in TeamCity

... start with TeamCity as a launch agent or launch daemon. So I ... Anyway both processes are running on the same Mac with the same user.

Autostart VM on boot MacOS Mojave -

gave no results so VBoxManage doesn't seem to know about the VMs that are configured in the GUI. ... launch a VM at startup. The advantage ...

systemd vs launchd | The FreeBSD Forums

... start certain agents on the login of for example a special user maintenance. ... It doesn't seem to me that launchd is actively signaling anything ...

Problems with app start as LaunchAgent on macOS due to ... - GitHub

Hi, I'm developing PyQT application that mainly works from .app bundle in macOS. PyInstaller forms bundle with these parameters: (i use here ...

Restart Docker from command line

I found “launchctl start com.docker.helper” to start the service and I'm sure I can find other ways to do it by debugging the process but it ...

Debug functionalilty broken in VS code on MacOS #16901 - GitHub

Debug lens on main: works, doesn't create launch.json; rust-analyzer ... This doesn't seem to be an issue related to multiple debugging ...

Launch Agent doesn't start - Jamf Nation Community - 143473

You might be able to use LaunchControl to troubleshoot issues with the agent. 0 Kudos.