
How do male writers get female characters wrong?

What are common mistakes that male authors make when writing ...

For example, a widow grieving for her husband, or a girl with an over protective father, or a girl having a rivalry with her brother. In all of ...

The Truth About Male Writers And Awful Female Characters

Poor research · Lack of authenticity and emotional truth · Silly jokes that don't appeal to target audiences · The fetishising of women as objects ...

Why is it hard for some writers to write female characters compared ...

The answer, in my mind, is that they have trouble for the same reason that some female authors have trouble writing male characters. That would ...

Why Are Men So Terrible at Writing Female Characters? - K.L. Kranes

Self-description: When male writers try to write a woman giving a physical description of her own body, they generally write it from a male ...

Men Writing Women Characters - Mistakes To Avoid - Richie Billing

We're probably all familiar with the classic character mistakes authors can make: failing to create any backstory, forgetting realistic character motivations, ...

All cleavage and clunkiness – why can't male authors write women?

Women authors do not seem to have the same problem with male characters, at least not as frequently. Perhaps it is because we grow up ...

Writing Female Characters: A Guide for Male Writers

Do they have no agency of their own and simply go with whatever the male characters decide? Do they exist merely as plot devices (e.g. woman is ...

What Male Authors Get Wrong About Writing Female Characters

I feel the biggest mistake men make when writing women is thinking of them only as women. They believe women are fundamentally different, that ...

10 Big Mistakes To Avoid When Writing Female Characters

There's a reason the internet says male writers write TERRIBLE female characters. This isn't because male writers literally can't write them ...

Is it true that men (in general) can't write female first-person?

Therefore male writers use a female pseudonym if they want to sell romances and stuff where the main audience are women. So if you've read books ...

Pitfalls of writing a main character of different gender to the author ...

Even though the question is 8 years old, I have a different take to most - so I'll offer it. Many writers can write from both male and female ...

Women Writing Men Badly: Guys Tease Male Romance Tropes

Men are calling out the things female authors get so wrong when writing male characters in their books, and some of these are surprising.

Advice for male writers writing female characters? - Writing Forums

Most will tell you if you cross the believability threshold. Contrary to theoretical wisdom, men and women are not interchangeable. Pretending ...

Novels written by men with female characters that aren't crap?

Lots of male writers write about women from the lover's perspective in a ... bad writers like pratchett, sanderson, and gladstone tend to have.

Male authors writing female characters vs ... - A Forum of Ice and Fire

The cultural pairing of women with emotion, men with logic may also be a factor...even male authors I esteem very highly often have male ...

How can writers make their characters seem more realistic ... - Quora

that's actually two separate questions: how can a male writer create female characters, and then how do you make them believable.

Why men can - and must - write women - The Bookseller

If women authors write lead characters who are both male or female, but men ... male characters, and that's a step in the wrong direction.

Men Are Calling Out The Things Female Authors Get So Wrong ...

But in the same way men frequently miss the mark and write one-dimensional female characters, women are just as prone to writing male characters ...

Male writers writing female characters: What are the challenges?

I'd rather show a few things that hint but let the reader interpret and define the voice of the female character. It would be too simple to ...

Female Author Writing a Male Character

Dialogue can reveal your character's personality and emotional state. Men may communicate differently than women, but their dialogue has to ...