
How does austerity look in retrospect? The UK's recent fiscal ...

How does austerity look in retrospect? The UK's recent fiscal ...

The period since the mid-1980s has been one in which successive governments have opted for small, year-to-year reductions in the growth of overall public ...

Historical perspectives on austerity can mislead - LSE Blogs

Christopher Hood and Rozana Himaz's retrospective on UK austerity argues that the current 'period of public spending restraint' fits into a pattern of longer ...

What Is Austerity and How Has It Affected British Society?

LONDON — The New York Times has been reporting for the last year on how nearly a decade of government austerity has refashioned British ...

austerity - OxPol

The Recent Fiscal Squeeze and the Longer Term Pattern Since 2010, the UK has been subjected to one of the longest periods of public spending restraint over the ...

United Kingdom government austerity programme - Wikipedia

The Conservative-led government claimed that austerity served as a deficit reduction programme consisting of sustained reductions in public spending and tax ...

Austerity: a failed experiment on the people of Europe - PMC

The results of these experiments are now clear: the American economy is growing and those European countries adopting austerity, including the UK, Ireland, ...

The lost decade: the hidden story of how austerity broke Britain

It is no surprise that debt is mountainous: each household owes on average £15,385, not counting their mortgages. The gap between rich and poor ...

In hindsight, was post GFC austerity across Western/OECD ... - Reddit

Even when the government started reducing spending they did it slowly, across the years 2010 to 2018 the government budget fell as a share of ...

Nothing Left in the Cupboards: Austerity, Welfare Cuts, and the Right ...

One particularly troubling aspect of the overhaul of welfare and tax policy over the past decade has been the way the government ignored growing ...

Britain is bringing back austerity. Here's why | CNN Business

The UK economy is smaller than before the pandemic, an outlier among G7 countries ... New cuts could make matters worse. When the government ...

Are we in a new era of austerity? | Institute for Fiscal Studies - IFS

Why is government looking to be so tight on spending? The next couple of years are going to be difficult because of high inflation and then the ...

The Fiscal Policies of the British Labour Party in Times of Crisis

The fall in GDP was the steepest since the 1930s, which created fears that the UK would face a long depression. In the end, it recovered fairly ...

Austerity and climate (in)action | CEPR

In the aftermath of the financial crisis, the newly elected Conservative government in the UK introduced austerity measures from 2011 onwards ...

The true cost of austerity and inequality: UK case study - Oxfam

Since the 2008 financial crisis, female unemployment has risen from. 678,00037 to 1.08 million in 201338 – a level last seen in 198839. This is expected to ...

The Effect of Austerity Packages on Government Popularity During ...

The Greek crisis erupting in early 2010 initiated this change in policy. Echoing the policy debates of the 1980s, TINA politics – 'There Is No ...

'Austerity' in public services - Institute for Government

Indeed, even after his reversal of almost all of the tax measures in September's 'mini- budget', it is estimated that the government will still ...

Responses to austerity - New Economics Foundation

There is far greater competition for funding – whether one considers service funding from local authorities, grants from charitable funders, or the ...

Why austerity was the right policy for the UK, part 2

There was much that we did not know in 2010. We did not know if the UK's banking crisis was over; if its very large fiscal deficit (amounting to ...

The Conservatives and the Economy, 2010–24 - IFS

The period 2016–19 was overshadowed by uncertainties around Brexit, but fiscal policy did not change dramatically. The second period, 2019–24, ...

Economy or austerity? Drivers of retrospective voting before and ...

Positive values of our austerity index meant an increase of the adjusted primary balance, i.e. contractionary policies involving a voluntary ...