
How does dental hygiene affect your overall health?

Oral health: A window to your overall health - Mayo Clinic

Without good oral hygiene, germs can reach levels that might lead to infections, such as tooth decay and gum disease. Also, certain medicines ...

How Oral Health Affects Overall Health — and How to Improve Both

Dental disease can also raise your risk of oral cancer — another threat to your overall health. Most throat cancers are triggered by the human papillomavirus ( ...

How Your Oral Health Affects Your Overall Health

Oral health is linked to whole-body health, which means that problems with your teeth and gums can lead to other health concerns like heart disease, stroke and ...

The Connection between Oral Health and Overall Health | Guardian

Oral health is an integral part of your overall well-being. Find out how they're related and what you can do to promote a healthy mouth and body.

Why Is Oral Health Important? Here are 4 Reasons

Taking care of your teeth and gums can help prevent serious diseases, reduce the risk of complications from chronic conditions, and support your mental health.

The Surprising Connections Between Oral Health and Well Being

In fact your oral health—the health of your teeth and gums—has a major impact on overall health, medical costs, and quality of life. “The ...

Poor dental hygiene can lead to serious health problems - UF Health

Most people know that not brushing your teeth daily can lead to cavities, bad breath and tooth decay. But recent studies find that poor ...

15 Diseases Caused by Poor Dental Hygiene - aaosh

Poor oral health is directly linked to whole-body health. Many diseases - diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer can first be detected in the mouth.

How Your Oral Health Affects Your Overall Wellness - WebMD

Researchers know there's a synergic relationship between oral health and overall wellness. Gum disease is linked to a host of illnesses.

How Poor Dental Hygiene Can Affect Your Overall Health - Colgate

What this means in dental terms is that your dental health can affect your overall health. For example, severe gum disease is linked to systemic ...

The Connection Between Oral Health and Overall Health and Well ...

Many medical conditions may affect oral health, and vice versa. For example, the metabolic processes of diabetes mellitus can explain the increased ...

8 Unexpected Ways Oral Hygiene Affects Your Health

Inflammation caused by poor oral health contributes to the biological processes that promote a depressed mood. As the severity of gum disease increases, so does ...

Why Oral Hygiene Is Crucial to Your Overall Health

While researchers haven't determined how poor oral health might lead to worse heart health, some evidence suggests that periodontal bacteria ...

10 Health Issues Caused By Bad Oral Health | Calgary

Your teeth are not the only parts of the body affected by dental health and oral hygiene habits. Unchecked bacteria from the mouth can ...

How Dental Health Affects Overall Health: Why It's So Important

Without proper oral hygiene, the bacteria in your mouth, both good and bad, could end up in your stomach, lungs, and other organs, potentially ...

Top 10 Health Issues Caused by Bad Oral Health | Absolute Dental

1. Increased Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease · 2. An Increased Risk Of Erectile Dysfunction · 3. Your Risk For Certain Cancers · 4. High Blood Sugar ...

How your oral hygiene affects your overall health - Mouth Dental

Poor oral hygiene leads to increased bacteria in the mouth which infects gums and causes gum disease. This excess bacterial also travel into the ...

Dental Hygiene and Its Effect on Overall Health

Heart Disease. Over the last several years, a growing body of evidence has linked dental issues, especially missing teeth and periodontitis

The Connection Between Your Oral Health and Your Overall Health

DENTAL HYGIENE AFFECTS EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR BODY ... By taking proper care of your teeth and maintaining good oral health, you're also contributing to the ...

Oral Health - The Nutrition Source

The most common oral diseases are tooth decay and periodontal disease. Good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist, combined with a healthy lifestyle ...