
How spaces make us

How spaces make us - by ebony frost - Medium

Places designed to maximise natural light, physical comfort and personal space, can create a mood that benefits creativity, clear thinking and cooperation.

Spaces That Make Us | The Washington Institute

Still, as we tweak and create the little pieces of space that we have, we, in small ways, bring heaven to earth. We were created for spaces pleasing to the eye.

Spaces created with comfort in mind make us feel safer

Spaces created with comfort in mind make us feel safer, valued, and more connected to others. By Ámbar Margarida • October 4, 2023 • Architecture

The spaces we inhabit: How we shape them, how they shape us

These years of the COVID-19 pandemic have made us acutely aware of the spaces that we inhabit — how public spaces and the ways in which we ...

Beautiful Spaces - making us healthier and happier

Research demonstrates that beauty, more specifically beautiful spaces, produce a positive emotional experience in the observer, ...

Why beautiful spaces make us healthier | Articles - WELL Resources

Research demonstrates that beauty produces a positive emotional experience in the observer, enhancing feelings of happiness and well-being.

Psychology of Space: How Interiors Impact our Behavior? - ArchDaily

With most of our lives spent indoors, the space we occupy has a major role in our psychological behavior.

The Psychology of Space: How Environments Shape Mental Health

Tidiness can boost mood, reduce stress, and improve focus, allowing individuals to perform tasks efficiently and make better decisions. Furthermore, an ...

The hidden ways that architecture affects how you feel - BBC

Enriching public spaces will not banish loneliness from cities, but it could help by making residents feel more engaged and comfortable with ...

The Power of Design: How Spaces Impact Our Habits and Productivity

Taking these factors into account, you can make decisions about lighting, furniture arrangement, and colors that will create an atmosphere ...

The Psychology of Space: How Design Influences Human Behavior

For example, clutter is proven to exacerbate stress and anxiety. Closely confined spaces can cause feelings of claustrophobia in some occupants.

Psychology of Space – and why is this important

But the first step as designers and those living/using the space, is to understand how it makes you feel and how you want it to feel. In terms of generalization ...

The Psychology of Space: How Architecture Influences Human ...

It can create a relaxed or tense atmosphere, promote social interaction or isolation, and encourage creativity or conformity. Architects in ...

Psychology of Space: How Architecture Impacts Human Behavior

Be it taking a stroll in a sky-high building or chilling in an apartment, the particular design of a place can alter one's mood, levels of ...

The Science Behind How Buildings Shape Human Behavior | Built

As humans have let their cultural and psychological needs shape the spaces we exist in, Anthes writes in the book, those spaces have indeed ...

The hidden ways that architecture affects how you feel | Psychology

This adds a layer of information that is otherwise difficult to get at,” said Colin Ellard, who researches the psychological impact of design at the University ...

The Psychology of Space - LinkedIn

Space absorbs emotions felt in it, it holds it and reflects it back out again. This is why feng shui and vedic architecture exist, and are highly revered in ...

How Architectural Design Shapes Our Emotions: The Psychology ...

A space well-lit by natural light can make us feel more optimistic and energetic, while a lack of light can lead to feelings of depression ...

+Positive Spaces Make People Happier

From inspiring color palettes to elements that promote well-being, well-designed spaces can make us happier and healthier. Workplaces and ...

The Psychology of Space: Understanding Human Behavior in ...

Exploring how humans and their spaces work together shows that architects have the power to create environments that make us happy and live in harmony with the ...