
How to get expiration date from a gpg key

How to get expiration date from a gpg key - gnupg - Stack Overflow

I know that I can execute gpg --list-keys searching for [email protected] but my problem is that I get a key in the format below, and I need to pull ...

Do PGP keys have expiration date? : r/GnuPG - Reddit

The expiry date is in the public key. When you want the private key to go away you just delete it. You can change the expiry date by editing the public key.

Can you extend the expiration date of an already expired GPG key?

Hint: If like me you prefer some "clean" expiry dates, you can use the faketime utility to invoke gpg --quick-set-expire to control the exact ...

Updating the Expiration Date of a GPG key -

To set the expiration, you can use the expire command in gpg --edit-key. Edit the desired key. List your gpg keys: paul@paul-Inspiron-N5010 ~> ...

How to get expiry date for yum repo signing keys - Server Fault

On Red Hat derived systems, the GPG keys are also stored in ASCII armor in the directory /etc/pki/rpm-gpg-keys . You can inspect any of the ...

Can I change expiration date of a gpg key I've already sent to a key ...

You can change the expiration date locally: gpg --edit-key expire #Now specify how long the key should be valid save.

gpg key expiration date - Oracle Forums

i need to create a shell script that will read my gpg keys expiring in next 30 days. would appreciate if anyone can help with the command to get the gpg ...

Extending an expired GPG key - Hugo's weblog

Possible approaches. [permalink] · Generate a new key pair. · Update the expiration date of the existing key, and generate new subkeys. · Update ...

How to Know keys expiration date for Already created keys using ...

"gpg --list-keys" will give you an oversight over all keys in your public key ring including their expiry date. > How to renwal existing keys?

Monitoring GPG Key Expiration - Jason Owen

There are no permanent consequences to letting a key expire; if you still control the key, you can change the expiration date and publish it as ...

Using GPG keys on GitHub: Creating and updating expired keys -

How to know when a GPG key has expired · You can also check the expiry date of generated GPG keys on your machine at any time by running the ...

Renew Expired GPG key - GitHub Gist

When prompted type 1y or however long you want the key to last for. Select all the subkeys (the primary key, which we just set the expires date for, is key 0):

How to change expiration date of gpg keys - Mozilla Support

Once the expiry date has been changed via gpg, export the private key via gpg and re-import it into Thunderbird. Yes, Thunderbird has it's own key store.

Expired gpg key - The Linux Page

Expired gpg key · 1. Select the Key in your Thunderbird error message and hit Ctrl-C (Copy). You can also see a list of your GPG keys with · 2.

Renewing my GPG Keys - Brandon Rozek

... w , and months m . When we check the key again, we should see an updated expiration date. gpg --list-keys. /home/brandon/.gnupg/pubring.kbx ...

How to change the expiration date of a GPG key - G-Loaded Journal

The importance of the GPG/PGP key expiration date ... Most people set their GPG keys to never expire. There is no problem with that. Unless they ...

What to do when your GPG/PGP key expires - makandra orga

Find the ID of the expiring key, e.g. with gpg --list-secret-keys . Note your key ID (after the slash). Start editing the key with gpg --edit- ...

gpg key expiration test - GitHub Gist

We time travel to within the key validity peiod using `faketime`. Otherwise, gpg complains and refuses to use an expired key to do the signing. ``` % echo "My ...

How to determine an expiration date for a PGP key - Customer

How to determine an expiration date for a PGP key There are 2 ways to view the expiration date of a PGP key. From a command line: ASSURE ...

Changing the expiration date of your Yubikey - Christian Rebischke

In case of the subkeys you can just go call gpg --edit-key and edit the expiration date. This should just work out of the box. If ...