
How we ended up not using Kubernetes in our edge platform

How we ended up not using Kubernetes in our edge platform - Avassa

We gradually realized that since Kubernetes was not designed for very distributed environments in the first place, making robust mappings between the APIs we ...

Who's NOT using Kubernetes these days and want to share ... - Reddit

I sometimes feel if you're not using Kubernetes and the whole cloud native ecosystem, you're left behind. But I firmly believe there are ...

Overcoming Edge Kubernetes Challenges with the Akuity Platform

Edge computing involves placing your workload as close to the user as necessary but no closer. It used to mean keeping computing close to ...

Articles -

How we ended ... How we ended up not using Kubernetes in our edge platform. The emergence of ...

Edge Developers Leading the Way on Kubernetes Adoption, But ...

While container usage among edge developers is basically unchanged over the past year, Kubernetes usage has increased by 10 percentage points to ...

No, we don't use Kubernetes - Ably

No, we don't use Kubernetes”. That always gets raised eyebrows... so we decided to write about our reasoning behind this cloud architecture decision.

Kubernetes for Industrial Edge - General Discussions

Dear community,. My name is Alejandro, Automation engineer but enthusiastic by IT. I am writing here asking for some tips, ...

Your Kubernetes Observability Strategy Is Broken. Here's How to Fix It.

Probably the biggest shortcoming with the way most teams observe Kubernetes is that they simply don't gain insights quickly enough. It's easy enough to see why: ...

Kubernetes Is Not Your Platform, It's Just the Foundation - InfoQ

Many organizations see Kubernetes as a platform rather than a technical foundation. Success with Kubernetes requires adopting platform team ...

Kubernetes (K8s) at the Edge - Hivelocity Hosting

With an increasing number of companies relying on containerization to organize their infrastructure and run their applications, chances are you already know ...

Edge computing vs cloud computing (and how Kubernetes fits)

“Why have we grown our use of Kubernetes? It's the ability to scale seamlessly. It's agnostic, at least from a cloud platform perspective.”.

Why Use Kubernetes for Cluster Standardization of Apps on the Edge?

... to end-users and endpoints. Rafay's Kubernetes Operations Platform simplifies the deployment, orchestration, and ongoing operations of containerized ...

Why Kubernetes Is Vital for Moving Cloud Native Technologies To ...

Several challenges must be dealt with before Kubernetes is to become a full-fledged edge computing platform. First, many industrial ...

As Kubernetes Matures, The Edge Needs Containment

However, there is furious work going on by vendors themselves in their Kubernetes platforms to meet the growing demands of enterprises that are ...

3 years managing Kubernetes clusters, my 10 lessons. | by Herve Khg

So, you'll need to get your hands dirty with your old apps to redesign them to be cloud-compatible. It's not up to Kube to adapt to your app, ...

Opportunities and Challenges in Edge Computing Under Kubernetes

First of all, the Kubernetes software itself, both for controller and worker nodes can get bloated and take up a lot of disk space, CPU and ...

The Good and the Bad of Kubernetes Container Orchestration

But if you don't constantly track what's going on in your Kubernetes environment, your cluster can eat up resources that are not actually used, ...

9 Key Takeaways from a Platform Team's Panel Discussion on ...

... Kubernetes at our edge in restaurant before we started using it in the cloud. ... used, you can end up coming out much higher on the top end.

Kubernetes deployment models for edge applications - Red Hat

However, there are also multiple challenges. One of the key challenges with the Kubernetes deployment model is the placement of the Kubernetes ...

Managing Thousands of Edge Kubernetes Clusters with GitOps | F5

As a result, we removed the ability to run kubectl inside of individual edge clusters or use scripts running from central places including ...