
Human|Polar Bear Conflicts

Growing conflict between people and polar bears - WWF Arctic

Varvara Semenova explains how they are also increasing conflicts between people and polar bears in northeastern Russia.

Coexistence Research - Polar Bears International

In the Arctic, conflict between polar bears and people is on the rise and expected to increase as sea ice habitat shrinks. In regions with large summer sea ...

Human-Polar Bear Conflicts

There is poor understanding of how interaction with humans impacts polar bears and how interactions impact people living and working in polar bear habitat.

Polar bears and people - WWF Arctic

In recent years, more than 20 direct attacks on humans have been reported within the polar bear's range. WWF is helping communities live safely alongside the ...

Human-Polar Bear Conflict

In 1973, Canada, Denmark, Norway, the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics signed the Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears ...

Risk of conflict between humans and polar bears rises as Arctic melts

As Arctic sea ice shrinks as a result of climate change, a surge in the number of ravenous bears could lead to an increase in bears accessing garbage and human ...

Human-polar bear interactions | U.S. Geological Survey -

As a result, mitigating interaction and conflict between humans and polar bears has become a growing concern. In this chapter, we explore the ...

State of Grace: Coexisting with Polar Bears

One thing that always stands out to me is that bears usually choose to avoid conflict with us. They've had no choice but to learn to adapt to our presence. We ...

Human caused mortality - Polar Bear Range States

Photo credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceTotal human-caused mortality (including legal harvest, human-bear conflicts, and polar bears killed as a result ...

Climate change leads to more conflicts between humans and polar ...

The recent attack by a polar bear on two people in the small Inupiat community of Wales, Alaska, which ended extremely tragically,generated ...

Temporal dynamics of human-polar bear conflicts in Churchill ...

We evaluated data for 2061 bear captures intended to reduce human-bear conflicts from 1970 to 2018 to understand temporal dynamics relative to population ...

Climate Change Is Pushing Polar Bear Populations Into Conflict ...

Human encounters with polar bears are becoming more common as climate change destroys bears' habitats and makes them wander for food.

Polar bear attacks on humans: Implications of a changing climate

With better information, people can take proactive measures in polar bear habitat to ensure their safety and prevent conflicts with polar bears. This work ...

interactions between humans and polar bears are likely as sea ice ...

Global warming continues to trigger the mass melting of Arctic sea ice, causing polar bears to begin gravitating toward land.

Human Settlements and Polar Bear Conflicts in the Arctic

Factors like improper food storage and the allure of garbage can draw polar bears into human territories, complicating the delicate balance of life in the ...

Our polar bear are on thin ice - WWF-UK

Polar bears need our help. Climate change is warming the Arctic four times faster than the rest of the world, meaning there's less ice on ...

Polar Bears and People: Cataloging Conflict | Hakai Magazine

A newly published database shows that changing sea ice conditions mean that polar bears are spending more time on land, increasing the possibility of incidents ...

Polar bear attacks on humans: Implications of a changing climate

Understanding causes of polar bear attacks on humans is critical to ensuring both human safety and polar bear conservation.

Coexisting with Polar Bears

Melting sea ice has forced these powerful bears to look for food on land—a search that is increasingly bringing them into contact—and conflict—with people.

Polar bear conflict hits record high, raises fears in Greenland | WWF

In East Greenland, more and more polar bears are being killed in self-defense as the loss of their sea ice habitat pushes towards communities, ...