
Human Adaptation to Climate Change in Alaska

Human Adaptation to Climate Change in Alaska

Human Adaptation to Climate Change in Alaska: Overview and Recommendations for Future Research and. Assessment. Technical Report #16-1. International Arctic ...

Adapting to Climate Change, Alaska - US EPA

Climate change can increase the impacts of wildfires on humans, such as respiratory illness and smoke inhalation. •. Climate change can significantly increase ...

Alaska and a Changing Climate

Alaska is at the forefront of climate change. Because of its northern latitude and seasonal changes in sea ice, the state is warming at two to three times the ...

Adapt Alaska | U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit

Animal and human populations are exposed to flooding, changing shorelines, acidification of ocean waters, melting ice, and more. Adapt Alaska was created to ...

Using Indigenous & Traditional Knowledge to Adapt to Climate ...

Loss of sea ice, thawing permafrost, and other climate-driven changes in Alaska are transforming ecosystems, disrupting cultural practices, ...

Alaska communities must adapt as climate change transforms state ...

Declining sea ice, thinning snowpack, thawing permafrost and other climate-driven changes are threatening the health, livelihoods and cultural practices of ...

Alaska - Fourth National Climate Assessment

Climate change also brings a wide range of human health threats to Alaskans due to increased injuries, smoke inhalation, damage to vital infrastructure, ...

How do we adapt to Alaska's changing environment?

This includes studies into the impacts of oil development and permafrost thaw on a North Slope village; the methods that Juneau land managers and tourism ...

Overview of Alaska's Climate Change Preparations

An Adaptation Advisory Group was responsible for developing recommendations to address impacts of climate change in Alaska, and submitted its ...

Climate Adaptation | Alaska Wildlife Alliance (AWA)

Alaska's climate is warming at 3-4 times the rate of the Lower 48. Glaciers are receding, sea ice is disappearing, sea levels are rising, permafrost is ...

Community Resilience and Climate Adaptation Programs, Division ...

Completed in 2016, the Alaska Climate Change Impact Mitigation Program was established by Alaska's Twenty-Fifth Legislature (2008) to provide technical ...

Alaska and the Arctic | U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit

Loss of sea ice, thawing permafrost, and other climate-driven changes in Alaska are transforming ecosystems, disrupting cultural practices, harming fisheries ...

Fifth National Climate Assessment

Climate change affects all Alaska communities but in regionally distinct ways for urban areas compared with rural, predominantly Alaska Native, ...

Adapt Alaska: Home

Learning, sharing, and building resilience in a changing climate.

Climate Justice Policy & Research - Alaska Institute for Justice

The climate justice research projects focus on community-based climate change adaptation that protects human rights and the environment.

Human Impact | Wild Alaska | PBS LearningMedia

Human Impact · Climate Change Impacts Alaska Glaciers · Losing Permafrost in Alaska · Killer Whales and the Changing Arctic · A Subsistence Culture Impacted by ...

Climate Change and Wildfire in Alaska

Under a changing climate, Alaska fire managers may need to consider increasing adaptation practices and adopting new approaches to fire management. Adaptation ...

Alaska | National Climate Assessment

Because of its cold-adapted features and rapid warming, climate change impacts on Alaska are already pronounced, including earlier spring snowmelt, reduced sea ...

Coastal Community Resilience - Alaska Sea Grant

Climate change is altering traditional activities such as subsistence hunting and fishing, as well as wildlife and marine mammal movements, salmon runs and fish ...

Alaska - USGS Publications Warehouse

Although climate change does and will continue to dramatically transform the climate and environment of the Arctic, proactive adaptation in Alaska has the ...