
I'll Never Let an Employer Own My LinkedIn Profile Again

I'll Never Let an Employer Own My LinkedIn Profile Again

No employer owns your LinkedIn profile. Don't step on their bear trap. Here's why you must resist employer ownership of your LinkedIn profile at all costs.

Can my employer dictate my LinkedIn profile? - Quora

Each state has its own employment laws. That said, I am not aware of any law that would preclude an employer from requiring that an employee set ...

Does my employer own my linkedIn account? : r/jobs - Reddit

I work at a small recruitment company (UK) and today I've been told to give my LinkedIn password to my boss. Apparently they 'own' my account ...

Who actually owns your LinkedIn profile?

Even if you've never ever used it to manage a company page 'your LinkedIn account' may actually belong to your employer based on your employment ...

Job hunting using LinkedIn, but don't want your current employer to ...

As a former professional recruiter I can tell you that although my company had its own database, we placed much more reliance and spent far more ...

My LinkedIn Profile: Does My Employer Own It? - Neal Schaffer

What Happens to Your LinkedIn Account Once You Leave That Job? This person decides to leave the company. The company demands ownership of his ...

Don't Lose Control of Your LinkedIn Account After a Layoff

Now let's say your company downsizes and they let you go. The first ... Going back to our example, if you're looking for a job and you ...

Can your employer really control your social media presence?

... the company brand. They encourage you to post them on your own personal LinkedIn profile. “We'd like you to use this on your LinkedIn ...

Current employer “Confidential” on LinkedIn.

Let your LinkedIn network know you're out of a job and get the network working to find you a new one. Hiding your current employer – not helping ...

Justin Welsh's Post - LinkedIn

Your employer doesn't own your LinkedIn profile. And here are 7 reasons why they never should: 1. Your brand compounds instead of starting ...

employer altered my LinkedIn profile, gifts for Admin Professionals ...

I really do not think this should be done. I feel if an employee wants to give her something, let them do it on their own and let her boss be ...

LinkedIn and the Law – Some Home Truths for Employer and ...

Who do their connections belong to? Let me also make the assumption that very few companies take the trouble to agree specific terms around the ...

If You're A PhD And Do This, You'll Never Get A Job - Cheeky Scientist

... the CEO of my own company. Of course, this was absurd. You can't be the CEO ... One of the postdocs I knew in graduate school told me over and over again ...

12 Things You Should Never Do On LinkedIn

2 | Settle For The Default Headline. When you first create a profile, LinkedIn assigns your current or most recent position title and employer (or “Student at ...

Does My LinkedIn Profile Really Need a Photo?

... for an interview for a job, that you'll never get.” Meanwhile ... and cheerfully said lets try it again after looking at the camera screen.

When you want to be more than one thing on LinkedIn

What if you have your own consulting business and do contract work for other companies? Let's look at a few scenarios. 1) Your primary business is your ...

Employees: Better think twice before suing your employer (four ...

... the lawsuit (assuming you did it while still employed); or (2) that your employer will blacklist you, and you'll never work again if you sue.

LinkedIn profile - Things Career Related

(Open roles are ALSO created in the ATS, generating their own “profile” and job ID). ... Like my fitness training I persist and never give up. Relentless ...

Why Resumes Are Dead & How Keeps Killing the Job ...

... the three main avenues, LinkedIn, Dead Bird, and Facebook. And some applications even allow you to apply through LinkedIn (the only site ...

LinkedIn Account Restricted: Here's What to Do - Expandi

What's the difference between LinkedIn account restricted or suspended? With account restriction, you typically can get your LinkedIn back after ...