
I've decided to stay with 1password

I've decided to stay with 1password - Password Manager

I am choosing to keep my 1pw subscription. The main reasons are easy to identify: Tagging and Browser Integration.

I've decided to stay with 1password - #11 by MHSwizzlestick

Honestly I don't particularly like 1pw. Their interface and design choices are getting too annoying and idiot-proof. It's annoying to have ...

Convince me to stay here : r/1Password - Reddit

I've recently imported into Bitwarden due to a bug in the 1password client in android requiring the password every time rather than biometrics ...

Here's why I went back to 1Password 7

... be worked on. I consider the current functionality broken. Overall, as I've said, I like 1Password 8, but I don't think it's ready for ...

Migrate your existing 1Password data from standalone vaults to a ...

During sign-up, you'll be asked to create an account password. Use the password you already use with 1Password. After you're done creating your ...

Alternative to 1Password? - Other Software & Development

Having looked at all your suggestions, I've decided to stay with 1Password for the moment, and have spent time copying all the logins and ...

Back to 1Password - Software - MPU Talk

I've decided to finally ditch 1Password and move everything to Apple Keychain. ... The Keychain app might be the worst Apple app I've ever used.

Psst! Now you can securely share 1Password items with anyone

If I've allowed anyone to view the link, they'll be taken directly to a web view of the shared item. If I've specified the people I want to ...

I'm Switching to 1Password - Here's Why - Mark Ellis Reviews

I've decided to switch to 1Password. This is the start of what I think will be a very interesting journey.

End of the road for 1Password 7. Where to next? - Software - MPU Talk

I won't be upgrading to 1Password 8. People have discussed various reasons here before but ... I've been using Bitwarden to supplement Apple ...

Not important enough: 1Password abandons its native Mac app

If you can't move the preferences window because it's fake, you might be running an Electron app like 1Password 8. I've used AgileBits's ...

I've changed from using 1Password to KeePass for password ...

I've been pretty happy with the service itself and have never had any issues accessing my passwords because of outages or h4x. I was glad to be ...

1Password 8 will be subscription only: even more uses for DT

I suspect there are others here who also use 1Password. If so, you may already have noticed that 1Password 8 (now in “early access”) will be ...

Ask HN: 1 passkey per device, or store it in password manager?

I use Apple devices and 1Password heavily. I've decided that passkeys sync to iCloud for me and passwords remain in 1Password. I think Apple's built nice ...

Did 1password just go subscription only? - MacRumors Forums

I've been happy to pay for 1Password for years (including a subscription for the last year or so). Although one bit of info that you might be ...

1Password 8 dropping Standalone (local) vaults: Mac Talk Forum

Scott Vail wrote: I don't believe that 1Password 6 will be functional ... I've been using 1Password 8 Beta. It really did put people off. I'll stick ...

1Password 8 Loss of Capabilities - TidBITS Talk

With the latest “improvements” to 1Password with the upcoming version 8 we will no longer be allowed to have local storage vaults or vault backups.

Search and open 1Password items - Page 2 - Alfred forum

Hi,. I've just upgraded to 1Password8 and am updating the integration. It seems to be installed but If I choose an action that is supposed to ...

1Password8 — Time to day goodbye - 1Password Community

I've been working with 1Password since version 3. One or two Macs ... decided to do anything. 0. ejr. Community Member. August 2021.

How I Use 1Password (Like A Paranoid Hacker) - Asian Efficiency

So all I do is hit CMD+ \ (to open the browser extension), browse to credit cards, select the one I want to use, and the form will be filled in my credit card ...