
I lost my keys for my apartment and my landlord wants to charge me ...

Replacement Key Fees, am I responsible for them or is my landlord?

Landlords can charge tenants a fee for providing a tenant extra keys or replacing lost ones. The replacement must not be more than the actual ...

Does a landlord have the right to charge me if I lost my keys? - Quora

the key replacement charge should have bene outlined in the lease. also any locksmith they have to call to get you in to your house they can ...

What is considered a reasonable charge for a replacement key, my ...

You can start by making it clear to the landlord that you do not intend to pay more than what is in the contract for the key. Customer. Thank ...

Can I charge tenants for keys that they keep forgetting? - Avvo

You are required to provide them all keys at the beginning of the tenancy. You are not required to accommodate their negligence in retaining ...

What to Do If Your Landlord Refuses to Give You Keys - JustAnswer

Denying you new keys when you're locked out could potentially violate your rights as a tenant. Moreover, if your landlord is renting the ...

A landlord wants $100 to replace a lost apartment key. Can he ...

Dekidjiev has seen landlords charge as much as $350. A sample of a lease shared with Brick includes the following: “Tenant will be charged a ...

Can a Landlord Charge Me If I Lost My Keys? - MiniFob

If you lose your keys, the landlord can charge for replacement keys or fobs, but only for the actual cost of replacement. For instance, a ...

Landlord Wants Copy Of Key - Warrior Forum

They own the home and I'm pretty sure where ever you live the law will say they need to have a copy of the key. I doubt they can just come in at any time though ...

Tenant robbed of keys - who pays for replacing door locks?

What does your lease say? This is not a repair or maintenance item that the landlord would typically be responsible for. The renter's insurance ...

I am a tenant and lost my keys - BiggerPockets

My landlord is trying to make me pay mid-lease term to re-key the apartment building doors and pay for the cost of all new keys for the entire building.

Can My Landlord Charge for Spare Keys? - The New York Times

A: Landlords keep tenants' keys for emergencies. If, say, water is leaking into or out of your apartment when you're not home, the landlord ...

Tenant Locked Out at 2 AM - Mr. Landlord

My last new tenant, a professional actress used her lock-box key and forgot to replace it. Then she called me at 9 PM wanting me to open her ...

10 Things a Landlord Can't Do - Steadily

This means that once a tenant has signed a residential tenancy agreement, their landlord cannot change the locks or have copies of their keys ...

Lost Rental Keys - Does a landlord have the right to charge?

Does a landlord have the right to charge me if I lost my keys? ... You have rights as a renter under the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 and the ...

Landlord lost lease do I have to give him a copy

I think that $125 might be a bit on the high end. However, I would like to ask this question. If you owned the home and locked your key in, what ...

Everything You Need to Know About Apartment Keys | Renterverse

Maybe you lost a mailbox key? Instead of prying open the mailbox door (don't, it's illegal!), talk with your landlord about getting a ...

Landlords and Tenants - Maryland Attorney General

If you break your lease, the landlord can hold you responsible for the rent due through the remainder of the lease. However, a landlord is required to make a ...

Charge for re-keying after tenant move-out - BiggerPockets

I don't charge. I remove the lock and bring it to my locksmith to rekey. He charges me $15 per rekey plus around $2 per key and I have the ...

A Renter's Rights During and After Foreclosure - CTLawHelp

... apartment by a bank or other foreclosing party while your landlord is in foreclosure. The law protects your right to stay in your home. After a foreclosure ...

Flat mate lost key landlord wants to replace locks?

why not, just change them yourself - no one is going to physically stop you - inform the landlord you've changed them yourself with the same ...