

"Little White Lies" Are Bullshit And Should Not Be Acceptable - Reddit

While you should never resort to "because I said so" or blatantly lying with no bits of truth mixed in, "little white lies" are perfectly fine ...

Is It Okay to Lie? The Risks of Real Lies vs. White Lies - Verywell Mind

Telling lies, particularly those that involve serious deception, can erode the trust and intimacy in your relationship. After all, if your ...

Do you often make up little white lies to avoid hurting people's ...

Usually a white lie is used, as you say, to spare a persons feelings, but often the truth is what was needed in order to let the person how to ...

Be honest: little white lies are more harmful than you think - Psyche

As social scientists studying the consequences of lies, we've come to the conclusion that these widespread beliefs and practices involving ...

Is a 'little white lie' OK? Here are 8 ways to know, experts say

It's OK to provide less-than-honest reassurance. White lies are appropriate, Schweitzer said, when someone is seeking reassurance more than a ...

In Defense of “Little White Lies” in Our Daily Lives? - Dr. Patricia Farrell

These lies are generally harmless because they concern trivial or minor subjects. It's crucial to understand that lying may have harmful effects ...

Are White Lies Ever Okay? -

Telling a white lie can seem like a way to avoid unnecessary pain, but it can cause problems, too. Talk to TheHopeLine for help with relationship issues.

White Lies: Kind or Cruel? - Psychology Today

Yes, many times white lies provide just the right dose of loving intent, but there are instances where they can weaken relationships or provide ...

Are little white lies okay to tell? -

Refraining from telling a sick person that he or she looks terrible is not a lie because staying silent in a scenario where you had no need or ...

White Lies, Half-Truths, and TRUST - LinkedIn

Telling a white lie or half-truth can affect your trustworthiness, for better or worse. Because trust is relative, the same behavior that would cause one ...


The Bible does not always condemn lying. There are several stories when someone who believes in God lies, and God either rewards them, or at the very least, ...

Do White Lies Help or Hurt Your Relationship? - Psychology Today

Kaplar concluded that people should be direct, even when the truth isn't fun, rather than telling soothing, white lies. This is because lies ...

The case for radical honesty: Is a little white lie a bad thing?

Many people are taught from a young age to put the needs of others ahead of ourselves. It is ok to tell a “white lie” to spare someone's feelings.

Are little white lies OK? - Clise Etiquette

Little white lies are OK if they are used to let someone else save face, but if they are about saving your face or saving your rear, they are not OK.

Why All Your Little White Lies Aren't As Harmless As You Think

While many people might think a white lie works in these situations, Sam Harris, neuroscientist and author of the book, Lying, says honesty is ...

Is it Ever OK to Tell a White Lie? - Ethics Sage

There are no rules of the game although Gould suggests that if a white lie requires additional white lies or hinders the expression of your personal needs then ...

Truth be told: When it's OK to tell a white lie - The Today Show

A little white lie like mentioning the tooth fairy or Santa Claus is acceptable when it protects a child's innocence or creative imagination.

Is there such a thing as 'white lies'? Do you think they are ever ...

A white lie is what we do when we tell our children things that are harmless. We tell them about Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth ...

Is It Okay To Tell White Lies? - Medium

Most people will say, “White lie is something nobody's going to know about”. “It's not going to hurt anyone, and “It's just a little white lie ...

The Joy of Telling Little White Lies - VICE

“No matter the situation, lying has consequences; potentially resulting in a lack of trust in others. Unfortunately, lies have been used to ...