
Identification of potentially suitable habitat for strategic land ...

Identification of potentially suitable habitat for strategic land ...

First, we identified irrigated agricultural lands potentially suitable for San Joaquin Valley upland species using the best available habitat suitability models ...

Identification of potentially suitable habitat for strategic land ...

An approach which seeks to help recover San Joaquin Valley threatened and endangered species by restoring agricultural land that is suitable as habitat and ...

(PDF) Identification of potentially suitable habitat for strategic land ...

Identification of potentially suitable habitat for strategic land retirement and restoration in the San Joaquin Desert. December 2017. Authors ...

A Framework for Evaluating Land Use Planning Alternatives

This approach balances information about known distributions of species with information about potentially suitable habitat. It is important ...

Better late than never: a synthesis of strategic land retirement and ...

(2) Is there historical evidence to support an assessment of suitable habitats ... Identification of potentially suitable habitat for strategic ...

Identification of Potential Habitats and Adjustment of Protected Area ...

The suitable habitat level is identified with differentiation probability of species distribution. According to similar species research, natural breakpoint ...

Wildlife habitat suitability analysis and mapping the former ...

Habitat suitability mapping is a technique typically used to map appropriate environmental factors and assess species existence in different ...

Conservation Thresholds for Land Use Planners

ELI found adequate information on potential ecological threshold measures for the following areas: habitat patch area, percent of suitable habitat, edge effects ...

Identifying sustainable coexistence potential by integrating ...

To incorporate attitudes in habitat suitability assessments, we therefore calculated a 'willingness-to-coexist' score which represents the probability that ...

Strategic Habitat Areas | NC DEQ

Goal two of the Coastal Habitat Protection Plan is to "Identify, designate and protect strategic habitat areas." The purpose of strategic habitat areas is to ...

Fallowing within potentially suitable habitat for one or more target...

... Identification of potentially suitable habitat for strategic land retirement and restoration in the San Joaquin Desert | California's Sustainable ...


climate and land use change by identifying potential landscapes for conservation action, both now and ... more restrictive in identifying suitable prairie dog ...

A model for evaluating the 'habitat potential' of a landscape ... - UNIL

For species whose habitats have been altered by land use practices, these models may fail to identify sites with the potential of producing suitable habitats, ...

Modeling habitat suitability for the lesser‐known populations ... - NCBI

Land cover type, topographic (e.g., elevation, slope), and vegetation productivity covariates all played distinct roles in determining habitat ...

Critical Habitat's Unique “Private Land Problem" - The CGO

Critical habitat designations are not the best way to gather information about a species, especially given the unintended consequences that may ...

Lands can do more - The Nature Conservancy

DbD involves setting goals for landscape health, projecting potential cumulative impacts of development, and identifying the best options for sustainable ...

a synthesis of strategic land retirement and restoration in California

Habitat requirements for each species were described, but there was a critical need to examine quantitative thresholds for these factors to better evaluate ...

Intro to the LandPKS Habitat Module

Our Habitat Factsheets provide information that can be used to help identify plant and animal species and manage land to improve habitat ...

Greater Sage-Grouse - Bureau of Land Management

Planning strategy for completing the analysis for land ... The. SUI was then intersected with the habitat suitably index to identify management.

Habitat Assessment for the Fair Oaks 104-ac Property - Partner Tulsa

The purpose of this habitat assessment is to identify the extent of potentially suitable habitat for federally ... strategy for the piping ...