
Identifying Long‐Run Risks

Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach

shifts in consumption growth can be important for macroeconomic outcomes and asset prices. Page 4. IDENTIFYING LONG-RUN RISKS. 619 pricing implications of the ...

Identifying Long‐Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed‐Frequency Approach

We develop a novel state-space model for cash flows and asset prices that imposes the pricing restrictions of a representative-agent endowment economy with ...

Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach

Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach ... We develop a nonlinear state-space model that captures the joint dynamics of ...

Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach

We develop a nonlinear state-space model that captures the joint dynamics of consumption, dividend growth, and asset returns. Building on Bansal and Yaron ...

Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach

We show that because consumption growth and its volatility determine the risk-free rate dynamics, one requires another independent volatility process to account ...

Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach

We develop a novel state‐space model for cash flows and asset prices that imposes the pricing restrictions of a representative‐agent endowment economy with ...

Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach

Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach · Frank Schorfheide. University of Pennsylvania - Department of Economics; ...

Identifying Long-run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach

Once asset return data are included in the estimation, we find even stronger evidence for the persistent component and are able to identify three volatility ...

Identifying Long-Term Risks | Enterprise Risk Management Initiative

Identifying Long-Term Risks. Most ERM programs engage their leadership team in risk identification and assessments tasks that are geared towards ...

Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach

We develop a novel state-space model that identifies both a persistent conditional mean and a time-varying volatility component in consumption growth.

Identifying Long‐Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed‐Frequency Approach

Frank Schorfheide & Dongho Song & Amir Yaron, 2018. "Identifying Long‐Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed‐Frequency Approach," Econometrica, Econometric Society, vol.

Risks For the Long Run: Estimation and Inference∗ - NYU Stern

... identified risk sources and plausible investor behavior. Bansal and Yaron (2004) develop a long-run risks (LRR) asset pricing model and show that it can ...

Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach

We show that because consumption growth and its volatility determine the risk-free rate dynamics, one requires another independent process to ...

The Long-Run Risks Model and Aggregate Asset Prices

The parameters A0 and A2 determine the mean of the price-consumption ratio, z, and the parameters 0 and 1 are simple nonlinear functions of z. It is ...

Supplement to "Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed ...


Risks For the Long Run: Estimation and Inference

In the LRR(h1) specification, the entire shock to annual consumption growth is identified as a short-run risk, while under the null of the LRR(h12) model, a.

Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach

Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach-article.

Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach

Identifying Long-Run Risks: A Bayesian Mixed-Frequency Approach · Frank Schorfheide. University of Pennsylvania - Department of Economics; Centre ...

Risks for the long run: Estimation with time aggregation

The long-run risks (LRR) model developed by Bansal and Yaron (2004) has motivated a significant amount of research in macro and financial economics. The model ...

Ambiguity, Long-Run Risks, and Asset Prices

Key words: smooth ambiguity aversion, long-run risks, equity premium puzzle, risk-free rate puzzle, ... Yaron (2018): “Identifying Long-Run Risks: ...