
If I don't have a CS degree

Making it without a CS degree : r/learnprogramming - Reddit

It's easy to get into CS if you have any degree, regardless of what it is. It's extremely difficult if you don't have a degree. Upvote 1

If I don't have a CS degree, does that mean I will not be a real ...

Software Engineering does not require a formal degree, but the body of knowledge necessary to lay claim to the title is substantial and hard to come by wit

How to build a career in Computer Science(CS) if you don't have a ...

I frequently interview for CS developer roles at Beautiful Code and Easy XYZ and I find candidates who do not have a formal degree in CS do ...

You don't need a Computer Science degree - Code Without Rules

If you never studied Computer Science in school you might believe that's made you a worse programmer. Your colleagues who did study CS know ...

Is a Computer Science degree useless? After much research and ...

After much research and questioning, the consensus seems to be that you don't need this degree to get a job as a developer. Also, a lot of the ...

High-Paying CS Jobs Without Degree to Break Into Tech in 2023

While you don't need a computer science degree, you will have to work harder to prove that you can do the job. You might need to get ...

1.5 years after I got my Computer Science degree & still no job. Is ...

Last time I checked, a master's in CS is not very valuable in terms improving pay. Moreover, most developers don't have one so if you're having ...

Can You Get a Master's in Computer Science without a CS ...

A master's degree in computer science can be beneficial for your career in the field. Learn how to apply to programs without a CS undergrad ...

Can One pursue a master's of computer science without a bachelor's ...

Basically any computer related bachelor is a way to go. You do not have a relevant bachelor degree. In this scenario too, you can apply for a MSCS program. The ...

What if I don't have a Computer Science degree?

Having a degree related to Computer Science or STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) definitely helps, but is not an absolute ...

Don't Major in Computer Science if You Want to Succeed in Tech

The point is, not having a degree in computer science won't hurt you when applying for 99% of tech jobs out there. Sure, some of the more conservative companies ...

Is it common that CS graduates have a hard time programming?

You can replace "Computer Science Degree" with "Coding boot camp" or "Software engineering degree" and you have the same problem.

Not a CS major: can i still get a job? - The freeCodeCamp Forum

I got a coding job without a CS degree. Of course, I think my non-CS degree helped - it showed that I could think and follow through on ...

3 Ways to Get a Master's in Computer Science as a Non-CS Major

What Can You Do With a Masters Degree in Computer Science? ... A master's degree often takes 2-3 years to finish, after which you can start looking for careers in ...

I'm graduating with a CS degree but I don't feel like I know how to ...

So my advice is to find what you're more interested in, and maybe you have college work or extra-curricular experience that can help.

I don't have CS degree but I want to be a software engineer. What ...

Hi Ahmad, You can have a CS degree without actually being a software engineer, I personally have a CS degree with focus on Network and System ...

Don't Major in Computer Science - by Varun Shenoy

If you want to build rockets, study mechanical/aerospace engineering. For those interested in quantum information or optics, physics or math ...

Why You Don't Need a Computer Science Degree to Work in Tech

Thanks to the incredible speed at which tech moves, computer science degrees are no longer requirements to enter the tech field.

Master's in Computer Science Degrees for Non-CS Undergrads

Other institutions expect learners to come from a STEM background, even if it is not CS-specific. Programs at these schools often require applicants to have ...

You Got Your Computer Science Degree... Now What? - YouTube

... if not hundreds or thousands of dollars to get that piece of paper. Now what? Unfortunately, a Computer Science degree today really doesn't ...