
If being lukewarm is bad

What's wrong with being a lukewarm Christian - Reddit

What's wrong with being a lukewarm Christian. The question is the ... God rather want you to be either a believer or a non believer but if you ...

Why Is Being a Lukewarm Christian as Dangerous as Not Following ...

Why are we scared of the evil one? Why fear his power? So we've no need to grow cool in this faith walk. Forget lukewarm. God vomits in that ...

What's worse, a lukewarm Christian or one who does evil in God's ...

It isn't about one side being bad and the other being good and the middle being the worst. ... Defining lukewarmness in terms of zeal is fraught ...

The Danger of Being Lukewarm - Alistair Begg Devotional from ...

Yet was Christ about to abandon them? Not yet. His assessment was not good, the prognosis was poor, and the warning was real. But He didn't send them away.

The Danger of Lukewarm and Modern Christianity

And the wrong of it all has been achingly clear lately as the Lord ... being a Christian; for our lukewarm condition and exuberantly ...

Will Lukewarm Believers go to Heaven? - Redeeming God

These lukewarm believers claimed to be rich and wealthy, without needing anything (Revelation 3:17), but in reality, they were wretched and poor. Jesus ...

Why did Jesus speak so strongly against lukewarm faith?

... poor, blind and naked” (verse 17). Their lukewarm faith was hypocritical; their church was full of unconverted, pretend Christians. Jesus ...

You're Probably Misunderstanding What It Means to Be a 'Lukewarm ...

' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. ... So this concept of lukewarm water isn't a random. Not ...

If being lukewarm is bad, what of hot and cold? Re-evaluating the ...

If being lukewarm is bad, what of hot and cold? Re-evaluating the misunderstood contrast taken from Revelation 3:15-16 ... “I know your works, ...

What Does the Bible Say About Lukewarm Christians?

So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you ... How can you speak good, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the ...

Don't be a "Lukewarm" Christian - The Life

Being cold is still worse than being hot, but at least if we admit we are sometimes “wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked” (Revelation 3:17), we are being ...

Skip Heitzig warns of being lukewarm 'The Worst Form of Blasphemy

Morgan also called being lukewarm “the worst form of blasphemy.” Why? Because lukewarm people claim to belong to God, but they live as though ...

The Myth of the Lukewarm Christian - Eric Pazdziora

The “lukewarm” people Jesus is criticizing think they have it all together, but they don't. They think they are rich when they are actually poor ...

What does the Bible say about the lukewarm church?

By the time the water reached Laodicea from the aqueduct it was lukewarm and even smelled bad. ... I get the need for evil for there to be good, ...

What does Jesus mean: "I wish you were cold or hot, not lukewarm"?

To think oneself spiritually rich when one is actually poor. In this interpretation the extremes or hot and cold would correspond to the extremes of being ...

Why Being "Lukewarm" is BAD #lukewarm #bible #christiantiktok ...

Why Being "Lukewarm" is BAD #lukewarm #bible #christiantiktok #podcast #animation. 17K views · 3 months ago ...more. Impact Video Ministries.

Eight Signs You're a Lukewarm Christian | JD Greear Ministries

Lukewarm Christians love their luxuries and rarely give to the poor in a truly sacrificial way. Lukewarm Christians do not live by faith ...

“Lukewarm Christianity”has nothing to do with being zealous!

Their problem was far more serious than a poor attitude. They were trying to make themselves righteous. Good and bad zeal. It is good to be ...

When Lukewarm Christians Get "On Fire" (Pt.8 - ShegznStuff

There have been some bad Churches in the list of seven that received ... if you are indeed a lukewarm Christian about to be spat out by Jesus.

The Dangers Of Being Lukewarm, Pt. 2 - Scripture Nuggets

Matthew 12:43-45… Here, we see the lukewarmness of leaving one's heart empty after being cleansed of demons, sins, and bad habits.