
If the impact factor

Measuring Your Impact: Impact Factor, Citation Analysis, and other ...

The impact factor (IF) is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year.

Impact factor - Wikipedia

The impact factor (IF) or journal impact factor (JIF) of an academic journal is a scientometric index calculated by Clarivate that reflects the yearly mean ...

Q. What is considered a good impact factor?

Impact Factors are used to measure the importance of a journal by calculating the number of times selected articles are cited within the last few years.

The Clarivate Impact Factor

The annual JCR impact factor is a ratio between citations and recent citable items published. Thus, the impact factor of a journal is calculated by dividing the ...

Understanding an Impact Factor - American Hippotherapy Association

The impact factor will be located in the 'Journal Metrics' section. Additionally, impact factors can often be found on the journal's webpage or publishing site.

Q. What are impact factors and how do I find one?

Impact Factors for scientific journals can be found in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database, which is available from the Research Medical ...

Impact Factor, Citation Analysis, and other Metrics: Measuring Your ...

The impact factor (IF) is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year. It is used ...

Journal Impact Factor: Its Use, Significance and Limitations - PMC

Impact factor is commonly used to evaluate the relative importance of a journal within its field and to measure the frequency with which the “average article” ...

Measuring Your Impact: Journal Impact Factor

The journal impact factor (JIF) is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year.

What is Journal Impact Factor? | Elsevier Language Services

Impact factor (IF) is a measure of the number of times an average paper in a journal is cited, during a year.

Impact factors and their significance; overrated or misused? - Nature

The journal impact factor (IF) is in widespread use for the evaluation of research and researchers, and considerable controversy surrounds ...

Getting Published: Journal Impact Factor - MWU Library

The journal impact factor is a measure of the average number of times an article in a journal is cited during any given year.

How to find a journal's impact factor - WUR

Note: if a journal is not indexed by Web of Science, or was indexed only recently, it does not (yet) have an impact factor. 4. See the column 'Journal impact ...

What Is a Good Impact Factor for an Academic Journal? - AKJournals

If a journal has a good impact factor, it's more likely to receive more citations and acknowledgements than other journals in the same field. What Is a Bad ...

What is a Good Impact Factor for a Journal? - AJE

A good journal impact factor (IF) is often the main consideration for researchers when they're looking for a place to publish their work.

Journal Impact Factors - Citation Searching

Impact factors for journals covered by Web of Science are published annually in Clarivate's InCites Journal Citation Reports. All WOS Source ...

Journal Impact Factor - The Embassy of Good Science

A journal's 'Impact Factor' (IF) gives an indication of journal influence. The IF is a measure of the number of citations divided by the number of published ...

Scholarly Impact and Citation Analysis: Journal Impact Factor

The underlying assumption behind Impact Factors (IF) is that journals with high IF publish articles that are cited more often than journals with ...

What does a journal/citation impact factor mean? - LibAnswers @ FIU

The number tells you how often that particular publication has been cited in other works. If an article contains a breakthrough, for example, it would likely be ...

What a Journal Impact Factor Is and Isn't - McGill University

are. If the journal has a high impact factor, it must mean the research you will find within it is solid, goes the sentiment; if the number ...