
Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution in Europe

Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution in Europe

We examine the relationship between immigration and preferences for redistribution in. Europe using a newly assembled data set of immigrant stocks for 140 ...

Immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe1

We examine the relationship between immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe using a newly assembled dataset of immigrant stocks for 140 ...

Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution in Europe | NBER

Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution in Europe ... We examine the relationship between immigration and attitudes toward redistribution ...

Immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe 1

We examine the relationship between immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe using a newly assembled dataset of immigrant stocks for 140 ...

Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution in Europe | IZA

We examine the relationship between immigration and attitudes toward redistribution using a newly assembled data set of immigrant stocks for 140 regio...

Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution in Europe

Exploiting within-country variations in the share of immigrants at the regional level, we find that native respondents display lower support for redistribution ...

Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution in Europe - jstor

Immigration and Preferences for. Redistribution in Europe. By Alberto Alesina, Harvard University; Elie Murard, Institute for Labor. Economics ...

Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution in Europe

Immigration and Preferences for. Redistribution in Europe. By Alberto Alesina, Harvard University; Elie Murard, Institute for Labor. Economics ...

Immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe - HAL-SHS

We examine the relationship between immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe using a newly assembled dataset of immigrant stocks for 140 ...

Immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe

We examine the relationship between immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe using a newly assembled dataset of immigrant stocks for 140 ...

Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution in Europe - CEPII

We examine the relationship between immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe using a newly assembled data set of immigrant stocks for 140 ...

Immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe - CEPR

A large literature shows that generosity, both public and private, is more freely extended within the same group rather than across groups.

Immigration and voting for redistribution: Evidence from European ...

We find that larger inflows of highly educated immigrants are associated with European citizens shifting their votes toward parties that favor expansion of the ...

“Immigration and Support for Redistribution: Lessons from Europe”

1), a connection between hostility to immigrants and a subset of social policy preferences, namely preferences toward policies that explicitly redistribute to ...

Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution in Europe

We examine the relationship between immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe using a newly assembled data set of immigrant ...

Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution in Europe

Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution in Europe ; Alberto F. Alesina. Harvard University - Department of Economics; Centre for Economic ...

Chapter 6: Immigration and preferences for redistribution: Empirical ...

Since 1980 the share of the immigrant population has more¬†than doubled in Western Europe.¬†As¬†immigration is making European societies ...

Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution: An Empirical ...

Thus, ethnic fractionalization has figured as an explanation of why the American welfare state is less generous than European welfare states, ...

Immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe1 [Goodbye ...

We examine the relationship between immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe using a newly assembled dataset of immigrant stocks for 140 ...

Immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe

Abstract. We examine the relationship between immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe using a newly assembled dataset of ...