
Impact of state aid on competition and competitiveness during the ...

Impact of state aid on competition and ... - European Parliament

This economic assessment of EU state aid principles and practises related to the COVID-19 pandemic confirms the clear focus on maintaining the level playing ...

Impact of state aid on competition and competitiveness during the ...

This economic assessment of EU state aid principles and practises related to the COVID-19 pandemic confirms the clear focus on maintaining the level playing ...

The impact of state aid on competition - Agenda

Although state aid control is designed to ensure fair competition across the EU, an extensive competitive assessment of the impact of the aid is not always.

What is State Aid? - DETE

In general, State Aid is prohibited under the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU) because of its anti-competitive effects. For example, without State Aid ...

The Mysterious “Substantial” Competitive Effect - Lexxion

State aid has a “substantial” effect on competitors when it has a direct and negative impact on their market positions that goes beyond the ...

European State aid law – a key to the European Union's crisis ...

European State aid law continues to play a major role in addressing current crises and driving the green and digital transformations.

Ex Post Assessment of the Impact of State Aid on Competition - jstor

The European Commission therefore asked Oxera to develop an economic framework that can be used to assess the competitive effects of aid, and to gain further ...

The interplay between State aid control and industrial policies F

governments around the world compete through subsidies and tax breaks to ... resilience and competitiveness in an increasingly unstable ...

State Aid and Export Competitiveness in the EU - EconStor

See Page 19. 10 who point out that after all the effects of sector-specific and ...

The impact of state aid for restructuring on the allocation of resources

This in turn affects aggregate productivity growth. Moreover, state aid may affect the recipient firm's competitors not only in the recipient firm's country of.

All articles about State Aid and competition - Lexxion

State aid evaluation provides an opportunity to continuously improve the effectiveness and efficiency of aid schemes to ensure that their positive impact ...

Department for European Affairs - State Aid

State aid (granted either through administrative procedures or under the law) may lead to distortions of competition, since it gives advantage to certain ...

State aid rules for long-term competitiveness - Tweede Kamer

A strict state aid framework and state aid control has been a cornerstone of EU competition policy, aimed at preserving the integrity of the ...

Subsidies, Competition and Trade - OECD

This is however not the case, with a few notable exceptions such as the state aid regime in the European Union. Subsidies are mostly reviewed ...

State Aid and Export Competitiveness in the EU - IDEAS/RePEc

The result is confirmed by instrumental variable estimation. We also find that the impact of state aid on exports is increasing with government effectiveness ...

Could there be any Parallels with EU State Aid Rules?

impact of state aid on competition: an economic framework for the European Commission,” Agenda, January, available at content ...

State Aid Impact on Central and Eastern Europe Economies

However, scientific studies provide mixed results concerning the impact of state aid on national economic development, competitive conditions or regional.

Methodological Guide for the Evaluation of State Aid from a ...

significant experience in regulating the competitive impacts of state aid. ... National Competitiveness Council, CNC (2020). Regulatory Impact Analysis ...

Definition and Characteristics of State Aid -

For the purposes of the state aid rules the competitive advantage is considered to be a situation when a certain undertaking, sector, or region is treated by a ...

Preserving the competitiveness of European industry - NET

Competitive markets require a strong competition policy, rigorously enforced, and the EU's state aid rules are an intrinsic part of this. As the impact of ...