
Improving Eviction Efficiency for In|Memory Key|Value Database

Improving Eviction Efficiency for In-Memory Key-Value Database

ABSTRACT. Evicting expired keys for an in-memory key-value database is es- sential to save its memory resources and control its memory usage.

Improving Eviction Efficiency for In-Memory Key-Value Database

In this paper, we present a novel approach, a hybrid algorithm combining a deterministic one using buckets and a randomized one inherited from Redis expiration ...

Improving Eviction Efficiency for In-Memory Key-Value Database

Evicting expired keys for an in-memory key-value database is es- sential to save its memory resources and control its memory usage not exceeding ...

Bucket-Based Expiration Algorithm: Improving Eviction Efficiency for ...

Evicting expired keys for an in-memory key-value database is essential to save its memory resources and control its memory usage not ...

Bucket-Based Expiration Algorithm: Improving Eviction Efficiency for ...

Evicting expired keys for an in-memory key-value database is essential to save its memory resources and control its memory usage not exceeding its memory ...

Improving Eviction Efficiency for In-Memory Key-Value Database

Download Citation | On Sep 28, 2020, Guochao Xie and others published Bucket-Based Expiration Algorithm: Improving Eviction Efficiency for In-Memory ...

Bucket-Based Expiration Algorithm: Improving Eviction Efficiency for ...

-value database is essential to save its memory resources and control its memory ... Improving Eviction Efficiency for In-Memory Key-Value Database. @article ...

Improving Eviction Efficiency for In-Memory Key ... - Guochao Xie

Bucket-Based Expiration Algorithm: Improving Eviction Efficiency for In-Memory Key-Value Database (Redis). Published: January 21, 2024.

Speeding up memory eviction performance - Oracle Forums

* Mostly store and update operations. * The entire dataset will not fit into memory. The individual records are not large. We just have a limited amount of ...

How slow is Redis when full and evicting keys ? (LRU algorithm)

When Redis reaches max-memory (and LRU algo starts evicting keys), redis does remove almost all db1 keys, which slows drastically all calls.

Why there is no real LRU eviction algorithm in Redis? - Google Groups

After my tests I found out that this eviction algortihm slows down Redis lower than on 1% and uses extra 16 bytes for each key in a 64-bit system (I don't know ...

Improving Eviction Efficiency for In-Memory Key-Value Database

Protected: Bucket-Based Expiration Algorithm: Improving Eviction Efficiency for In-Memory Key-Value Database. To view this protected post, enter the password ...

Is there a database based key eviction policy in redis when RAM is full

... databases, to have better control over what gets evicted and when. ... Does redis evict keys or subkeys on reaching maximum memory limit? 2.

Optimizing KV Cache Eviction by Adaptive Budget Allocation ... - arXiv

Recent efforts try to reduce KV cache size to a given memory budget by evicting vast non-critical cache elements during runtime, while ...

Optimizing KV Cache Eviction in LLMs: Adaptive Allocation for ...

Many efforts try to evict non-critical cache elements during runtime, thereby reducing cache size within a given memory budget while preserving ...

Catalyst: Optimizing Cache Management for Large In-memory Key ...

Some prior works seek to increase the performance of key-value stores by ... SILT: A memory-efficient, high-performance key-value store. In Proceedings ...

TaC: An Anti-Caching Key-Value Store on Heterogeneous Memory ...

system performance by improving DRAM hit rates and. NVM accessing efficiency. ... strates superior performance in managing cache eviction ...

Efficient Memory Management with LRU Cache Eviction Policy

Several strategies can enhance LRU cache performance, including using more efficient data structures for the underlying implementation, such as ...

Researchers Design Simple, High-Performing Cache Eviction ...

... improving the performance of software, servers and websites that rely on cached items ... The cache is memory space set aside to store ...

Exploring Cache Eviction Policies and Their Types - LinkedIn

Cache eviction policies are algorithms that determine how to manage data in a cache, a layer of fast and temporary storage that improves performance.