
In the Developing World

Time to stop referring to the “developing world” - World Bank Blogs

We suggest three alternatives to the phrases “developing world” or “developing countries” in decreasing attractiveness.

Developing country - Wikipedia

The World Bank classifies the world's economies into four groups, based on gross national income per capita: high, upper-middle, lower-middle, and low income ...

States in the Developing World - Cambridge University Press

1 - Unpacking States in the Developing World: Capacity, Performance, and Politics pp 1-32 Access Part I - Order and Reach pp 33-154 Access

Should we continue to use the term “developing world”?

We think phasing out the use of the “developing world” (initially from the World Development Indicators) is a sensible move and we welcome a discussion about ...

Urbanization in the Developing World: Too Early or Too Slow?

Urbanization in the Developing World: Too Early or Too Slow? by J. Vernon Henderson and Matthew A. Turner. Published in volume 34, issue 3, pages 150-73 of ...

5.4 The Developing World – Core Principles of International Marketing

The developing world refers to countries that rank lower on the various classifications. The residents of these economies tend to have lower discretionary ...

Governance in the Developing World - Boston University

This project investigates democracy's connection to development across a wide range of developmental outcomes—economic, social, and governmental. The operating ...

Climate Change and the Developing World: A Disproportionate Impact

Extreme weather and disruption from drought, flooding, and conflicts over natural resources disproportionately affect the developing world.

A Hypothesis of Hope for the Developing World - the United Nations

ICRISAT studies have generated a "hypothesis of hope" which states that the impact of climate change on yields under low input agriculture is likely to be ...

Cities in the Developing World | NBER

Cities in the Developing World ... The fast and often chaotic urbanization of the developing world generates both economic opportunity and ...

If You Shouldn't Call It The Third World, What Should You Call It?

According to AP: "Developing nations is more appropriate [than Third World] when referring to economically developing nations of Africa, Asia ...

Top 32 Developed and Developing Countries - Investopedia

Learn the difference between developed countries and developing countries and how their status is determined. See a list of the 32 top countries by GDP.

Universal Basic Income in the Developing World - Annual Reviews

Should developing countries give all of their citizens enough money to live on? Interest in this idea has grown enormously in recent years, reflecting both ...

Developed World - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

In the developing world, about 2 billion people live on less than US$2 per day, and it is estimated that only half of them have access to clean and safe water.

How Business Is Done in the Developing World: Deals versus Rules

How Business Is Done in the Developing World: Deals versus Rules by Mary Hallward-Driemeier and Lant Pritchett. Published in volume 29, issue 3, ...

Women and Power in the Developing World - Boston University

Women and Power in the Developing World. Se Pa, Vietnam. Photo by Ives Ives via Unsplash. The prevailing view in political science and economics ...

Inequality in the Developing World | Oxford Academic

Abstract. Inequality has emerged as a key development challenge. It holds implications for economic growth and redistribution and translates ...

Employment and economic class in the developing world

This builds on earlier work by the ILO to estimate poverty among workers in the developing world – the so called “working poor”.3 In moving away from a binary ...

Global Trade Liberalization and the Developing Countries

Further trade liberalization in these areas particularly, by both industrial and developing countries, would help the poorest escape from extreme poverty.

Social Protection in the Developing World - MIT Economics

More than 120 low- and middle-income countries run cash transfer programs for poor families, and more than 70 of them run social pension programs (World Bank, ...