
Increased Biofuel Production May Harm Farmers and Climate

Increased Biofuel Production May Harm Farmers and Climate

The expansion of corn crops in this region to be used for biofuel production increases agricultural emissions and displaces land that could be used for other ...

Increased Biofuel Production in the US Midwest May Harm Farmers ...

Growing corn and soy crops for biofuels displaces land that could be more effectively used to fight climate change or provide community benefits ...

Biofuels & Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Myths versus Facts

Use of ethanol can increase emissions of some air pollutants because fossil energy is used during the farming of biomass crops and during biofuel production.

Growing crops for fuel is not a climate solution. Sustainable ...

Increased crop production for biofuels also increases air, water, and soil pollution and threatens wildlife. Critically, it's not just the year- ...

Biofuels and the Environment | US EPA

Demand for biofuels could also increase farm income. Biofuel production and use has drawbacks as well, including land and water resource ...

The US biofuel mandate helps farmers, but does little for energy ...

Expanding farmland for biofuel production is also bad for the environment in other ways. Studies show that it has reduced the abundance and ...

The US biofuel mandate helps farmers but harms the environment

One big factor is that making biofuels amplifies land-use change. As harvests are diverted from feeding humans and livestock to produce fuel, ...

Are Biofuels Doing More Harm Than Good? - The Regulatory Review

In fact, the dramatic rise in biofuel production has exacerbated environmental injustices in developing countries, claims Gonzalez, a professor ...

Climate-Smart Biofuel is Coming | The Breakthrough Institute

There's just one problem—the entire effort could backfire and raise emissions. Paying farmers more to grow crops for biofuel will increase ...

Growing Crops for Biofuels Has Spillover Effects - USDA ERS

Greenhouse gas emissions from the U.S. crop sector could increase. Changes in tillage practices and conversion of land to crop production may ...

Biofuels: Why Growing Food for Fuel is a Foolish Choice - Earthjustice

Considering both the immediate impacts and long-term damage caused by the production of corn for ethanol, increasing reliance on this biofuel ...

Economics of Biofuels | US EPA

Diverting these crops to biofuels may lead to more land area devoted to agriculture, increased use of polluting inputs, and higher food prices.

The Policy Landscape for Agricultural Bioenergy

(2022) indicate that the RFS may have increased overall GHG emissions through 2016 (when conventional ethanol production leveled off), after ...

Large-scale biofuels production: A possible threat to soil ...

It is also believed that biofuels will offer new income opportunities to farmers and create new jobs in rural areas. I argue that this may be a far too ...

Biofuels Impact on Air, Atmosphere, and Health - NCBI

The regional climate impacts from biofuels production may mean that sugarcane ethanol, instead of providing a significant reduction in climate impacts ...

U.S. policy promoting biofuels may have worsened climate change ...

Land-use impacts of growing more crops for fuel have likely resulted in higher greenhouse gas emissions, water contamination, and soil degradation.

Environmental sustainability of biofuels: a review - Journals

Biofuels are being promoted as a low-carbon alternative to fossil fuels as they could help to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the ...

Biofuels are accelerating the food crisis — and the climate crisis, too

The problem was that when cornfields were used to grow fuel, farmers needed to clear more carbon-absorbing natural land to replace the lost food ...

STATEMENT: U.S. EPA Increases Crop-based Biofuels Mandate in ...

“The EPA's biofuels push will hamper the United States' climate efforts rather than bolster them. Biofuels were thought to be a climate solution ...

5. Environmental impacts of biofuels

When land-use changes are included in the analysis, greenhouse gas emissions for some biofuel feedstocks and production systems may be even higher than those ...