
Indicators for Passive Stability and Active Control in a Rhythmic Task

indicators for passive stability and active control in a rhythmic task

Using a rhythmic task where human subjects bounced a ball with a handheld racket, fine-grained analyses of stability and variability extricated ...

Indicators for Passive Stability and Active Control in a Rhythmic Task

Upright posture when viewed as an inverted pendulum is unstable but it is stabilized by active control processes in the central and peripheral nervous system, ...

Indicators for Passive Stability and Active Control in a Rhythmic Task

Stability and Variability: Indicators for Passive Stability and Active Control in a Rhythmic Task ; Kunlin Wei, ; Tjeerd M.H. Dijkstra, and ...

(PDF) Stability and Variability: Indicators for Passive Stability and ...

ArticlePDF Available. Stability and Variability: Indicators for Passive Stability and Active Control in a Rhythmic Task. July 2008; Journal of Neurophysiology ...

Stability and variability: indicators for passive stability and active ...

Stability and variability: indicators for passive stability and active control in a rhythmic task. K Wei, T.M.H. Dijkstra, D Sternad. Signal Processing ...

indicators for passive stability and active control in a rhythmic task

Stability and variability: indicators for passive stability and active control in a rhythmic task. Find Full text. Thumbnail. Fulltext: 72585.pdf. Embargo ...

Passive stability and active control in a rhythmic task - PubMed

Rhythmically bouncing a ball with a racket is a task that affords passively stable solutions as demonstrated by stability analyses of a mathematical model of ...

indicators for passive stability and active control in a rhythmic task ...

Fingerprint. Dive into the research topics of 'Stability and variability: indicators for passive stability and active control in a rhythmic task'.

Passive vs. Active Control of Rhythmic Ball Bouncing - ResearchGate

Indicators for passive stability and active control in a rhythmic task. Journal of Neurophysiology, 99, 3027–3041. Appendix A. Haptic ...

Passive stability and active control in a rhythmic task. - GoTriple

Rhythmically bouncing a ball with a racket is a task that affords passively stable solutions as demonstrated by stability analyses of a mathematical model of ...

Passive vs. active control of rhythmic ball bouncing - APA PsycNet

Stability and variability: Indicators for passive stability and active control in a rhythmic task. Journal of Neurophysiology, 99(6), 3027–3041. http://dx ...

Publications | - Action Lab - Northeastern University

... Stability and Variability: Indicators for Passive Stability and Active Control in a Rhythmic Task.” Journal of Neurophysiology, 99(6), 3027–41, DOWNLOAD ...

Dynamics of Action and Perception in a Rhythmic Task

"Stability and variability: Indicators for passive stability and active control in a rhythmic task" Journal of Neurophysiology , v.99 , 2008 , p.3027. Morice ...

NSF Award Search: Award # 0904464 - Dynamics of Action and ...

"Stability and variability: Indicators for passive stability and active control in a rhythmic task" Journal of Neurophysiology , v.99 , 2008 , p.3027. Morice ...

Control of bimanual rhythmic movements: trading efficiency ... - OUCI

Stability and Variability: Indicators for Passive Stability and Active Control in a Rhythmic Task. Kunlin Wei, Tjeerd M. H. Dijkstra, Dagmar Sternad. https ...

[PDF] The role of functional variability in a whole body co-ordinated ...

Stability and variability: indicators for passive stability and active control in a rhythmic task. Kunlin WeiT. DijkstraD. Sternad. Engineering. Journal of ...

Variability, Symmetry, and Dynamics in Human Rhythmic Motor ...

... control-systems modeling of rhythmic motor control in ... Stability and variability: Indicators for passive stability and active control in a rhythmic task.

Optimal control of a hybrid rhythmic-discrete task: the bouncing ball ...

Research in motor control to date has mainly focused on two broad classes of behaviors: discrete movements and rhythmic movements. ... stability, a regime ...

Mixed control for perception and action: timing and error correction ...

Wei K, Dijkstra TM, Sternad D (2008) Stability and variability: indicators for passive stability and active control in a rhythmic task. J Neurophysiol 99 ...

The effect of stereotype threat on performance of a rhythmic motor skill.

Stability and variability: Indicators for passive stability and active control in a rhythmic task. Journal of Neurophysiology, 99(6), 3027–3041. http://dx ...