
Inputting Player name to be used in all scenes

Inputting Player name to be used in all scenes - GDevelop Forum

I wanted it that players would be able to input what they would want to have as their nicknames but my problem is saving it so it can show in all scenes.

How do I make the player enter their name on one scene, and call it ...

Here's how I would solve it: I would create a script that holds just the details about the player's name and any other information you want to ...

Giving Players the Ability to Enter Their Names? : r/RenPy - Reddit

What you want is pretty simple to do. Make a variable like PlayerName, and everywhere in your script were someone would say or use the name, you ...

Allowing Player to Enter Name - Archive - Godot Forum

A clear answer on how to store a player-entered name so it can be used in dialogue or events throughout different scenes within the project.

Input player name [SOLVED] - Lemma Soft Forums

This is the right place for Ren'Py help. Please ask one question per thread, use a descriptive subject like 'NotFound error in option.rpy' , and ...

Input player's name? - Inform 7

say “Hi, [player's forename]![paragraph break]”; say “[banner text]”; reject the player's command;. Instead of looking for the second time:

Input Player name and display in next level in Unity. - YouTube

In this Unity tutorial, we learn how to input text and display in the next level.

Player name input help - RPG Maker Forums

So am using the Action UI input text and made it use player name ... All i did was rename the input text result variable name to player name.

Name Input - Lezalith's Cave

Next, we will need a variable that can hold the character's name. Since the variable will start with a default value and it later changes to whatever the player ...

Input Player Name to Game in UNITY C# - YouTube

How to Input Player Name to Game Input and Save Player Name in Game C# ✉ Fanpage: Shop: ...

Player entering name — Adventure Creator forum

Well, just think of it this way... You are making a menu and like any menu you can use it whenever you want. Basically you are just making a ...

[Help] Get Player's name? - Talk - Community Forum

You may want to take a look at the UI.InputField control. Perhaps you could have a scene prior to the main story scene when you ask for the ...

Scene Command for Name Input Processing - RPG Maker Forums

Here's the script call that name input processing uses: SceneManager.push(Scene_Name); SceneManager.prepareNextScene(actorId, name length);

How to Input name? - Pixel Crushers Forum

Hi, Yes, use the same process for any actor (player or NPC).

Player's Name storage :: Visual Novel Maker General Discussion

In the sample scene there is a portion of code in the dialogue that calls the name that was input. Just copy and paste that into your text box ...

Display Player's Name on the HUD Device with Verse Code (UEFN)

Here is a way to do this for a multiplayer game: Super quick video showing how to display a player's name on ...

Creating the name variable - ChoiceScript Help

Just to expand, ${player_name} is what will display the variable each time - you have to remember the dollar sign and curly braces for it to ...

Set player name during conversation - Pixel Crushers Forum

Use the ChangeActorName() Lua function. The Dialogue System cache the participants' names at the start of the conversation so it doesn't have to take time to ...

Unity3D - Load Scene by name from InputField - YouTube

... use a text inputfield to let your users load any scene in your project by name ... Unity GUI: Input Field [Part 2] Saving Info. 2017.2.

Player scene and input actions - Godot Docs

Add a Node3D node as a child of Player and name it Pivot ... If you want controllers to have different input actions, you should use the Devices option in ...