
Intangible capital and productivity

Data, Intangible Capital, and Productivity | NBER

We find two primary macroeconomic impacts. First, the greater relative efficiency of data capital boosts labor productivity. Second, the increased use of ...

Data, Intangible Capital, and Productivity

technologies are, in fact, long-lived intangible assets that contribute to final production in an economy. The long-lived appropriability of accumulated stores ...

Data, Intangible Capital, and Productivity*

This implies fewer spillovers to investments in data-driven intangible assets and slower growth in total factor productivity (TFP). All told we estimate that ...

Intangible capital and firms' productivity - Oxford Academic

The aim of this article is to evaluate the role of internal intangible capital on firms' productivity.

Intangible Capital and Modern Economies

We present estimates of productivity in the US and European economies in recent decades including intangibles and discuss why, despite relatively rapid growth ...

Getting tangible about intangibles: The future of growth ... - McKinsey

An intangibles-rich economic model is not the only way for an economy to be successful; there are other ways to promote productivity and growth.

Intangible capital and measured productivity -

It is possible to observe little change in measured total factor productivity (TFP) coincidentally with large changes in hours and investment.

Intangible capital and productivity divergence - Wiley Online Library

Using firm-level data, we find that the effect of intangible capital on productivity is heterogeneous across firms within industries. ... Thus, ...

Mind the financing gap: Enhancing the contribution of intangible ...

Intangible assets are an important driver of productivity and ultimately output growth. Yet, despite their aggregate rise in the past ...

Intangible capital and productivity: Firm-level evidence from German ...

This article analyses the importance of intangible capital for firm productivity using comprehensive official firm-level data from German manufacturing.

The role of intangibles in firm-level productivity – evidence from ...

Intangible capital related to innovative property also positively contributes to firm-level productivity, but on a smaller magnitude. Kaus, ...

Productivity Growth and International Competitiveness

Existing empirical evidence confirms the close linkages between innovation, value creation and economic growth, showing that intangible investments are ...

Data, Intangible Capital and Productivity: are there new drivers of ...

✓How is intangible capital measured and how does it impact productivity growth? ✓Why intangible capital is a key asset in the digital economy?

Trust, intangible assets, and productivity - CEPR

Business environments dominated by information flows and autonomous tasks, typical of knowledge-intensive industries, are likely to require ...

Intangible Capital and Labor Productivity Growth - EconStor

While traditional growth accounting studies find that intangible capital accounts for around 25 percent of labor productivity growth (Corrado et al., 2013), ...

Intangible capital and productivity divergence - Wiley Online Library

This paper provides evidence that investment in intangible capital, despite having a positive effect on productivity at the micro level, is a ...

The Impact of Intangible Capital on Productivity and Wages

We also find that the capital productivity premium of intangible assets over tangible ones is substantial with estimates suggesting that ...

Intangible Capital and Economic Growth - Federal Reserve Board

KEYWORDS: Economic growth, investment, intangibles, capital, productivity, economic measurement. Carol A. Corrado. Charles R. Hulten. Division of Research and ...

New evidence on intangibles, diffusion and productivity

The findings suggest that industries that have experienced a stronger increase in intangible investment have also seen a steeper rise in ...

Intangible Capital and Productivity Growth in Canada

This paper develops a measure of intangible capital and examines the contribution of intangibles to labour productivity growth in the Canadian business sector.