
Is Inflation Persistence Over?

Has the Inflation Process Become More Persistent? Evidence from ...

Note: Change in persistence refers to the sum of the coefficients on a set of interaction terms between the lags of core inflation and the dummy ...

How Persistent Is Inflation? | Richmond Fed

An important implication of inflation persistence is that what we expect inflation to be in the future is not independent of what inflation is today. Thus, ...

Where Is Inflation Persistence Coming From?

Post-pandemic imbalances have led to inflation rising well above policymakers' longer-run objective. The MCT framework provides a model-based, ...

Inflation's Last Half Mile: Higher for Longer?

During 2023, US inflation fell rapidly, with four-quarter PCE inflation coming in at 2.7 percent, beating the January 2023 Blue Chip Economic ...

Untangling Persistent Inflation: Understanding the Factors at Work

Inflation persistence may be understood as intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic persistence emerges from the internal dynamics of price-setting and wage-setting ...

Inflation Persistence: How Much Is There and Where Is It Coming ...

First, the trend hovers below but close to 2 percent from early 2016 through late 2020 and remains remarkably stable in the face of negative ...

Is Inflation Persistence Over?

Many emerging economies in our sample, however, show increasing persistence and even a few have very persistent inflationary processes over time. We also find ...

Will High Inflation Persist? - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

The answer to when inflation will revert to its long-run average likely depends on whether we are still in the “Great Moderation” regime of ...

Is Inflation Persistence Over? - SciELO

Our results show that inflation persistence is mostly decreasing over time for the industrial economies. Many emerging economies, however, show increasing ...

The Fed - A (Bayesian) Update on Inflation and Inflation Persistence

This note revisits the issues discussed in Kiley (2022a, 2022b) to see whether recent data suggests inflation is less persistent than judged in that work.

Is Inflation Persistence Over? - Banco Central do Brasil

Fuhrer (2005) also models inflation using a hybrid Keynesian Phillips curve. He separates persistence in two types: one related to the dynamics of the output ...

Breaking the persistence of inflation - European Central Bank

We are seeing a decline in the inflation rate as the shocks that originally drove up inflation wane and our monetary policy actions are ...

Untangling Persistent versus Transitory Shocks to Inflation

While the average monthly inflation rate over the trailing 12 months is much smoother, it can spend considerable time above or below the goal- ...

Monetary Policy with Uncertain Inflation Persistence in - IMF eLibrary

Informally, 'inflation persistence' denotes the tendency of the rate of change of prices (or wages) to remain constant in the absence of an ...

Is inflation persistent? Evidence from a time-varying unit root model

Inflation persistence depends on the type of monetary policy regime and its credibility (see for instance, Fuhrer, 2010). The choice of the monetary policy ...

Is Inflation Persistence Over? - IDEAS/RePEc

Our sample period is comprised of quarterly data and starts in the first quarter of 1995. Our results show that inflation persistence is low and stable for all ...

Inflation Persistence - Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

5. The subsequent trajectory of macroeconomic research drew heavily on these seminal contributors, who had neatly reconciled rational expectations with inertial ...

Global: inflation persistence and why it matters - LinkedIn

[7] “Intrinsic inflation persistence refers to inflation that occurs purely as a result of past pricing decisions and cannot be explained by ...

Inflation persistence: new evidence across US metro areas

Findings. The findings provide clear evidence of a significant inflation persistence in ten metro areas and the absence of persistence in the ...

Inflation Persistence -

For Eq. (2) to hold, it must be that expected inflation lies above current inflation whenever the output gap is negative. Because output is persistent, the ...