
Is There Really A Truck Driver Shortage?

Is There a Truck Driver Shortage in the U.S. in 2024? | altLINE

Demand for truckers far outpaces the available number of drivers. The ATA estimates that there is a current shortage of roughly 60,000 drivers, ...

The driver shortage isn't real : r/Truckers - Reddit

I decided to test this theory of the "driver shortage" to find out just how badly companies are looking to hire.

Worse than you thought: truck driver shortages and demographics

Without significant action, the shortage of truck drivers is projected to double by 2028. Global | Geneva. Worse than you thought: truck driver ...

Is There a Truck Driver Shortage? Debunking the Myth of the Driver ...

I'll start by answering the question simply: No, there isn't a truck driver shortage right now. In fact, we have a surplus of drivers. With ...

Navigating the complexities of the truck driver shortage

Trucking companies are under immense pressure due to the driver shortage. They face increased operational costs, including higher wages to ...

Insights on Truck Driver Shortage in the US

The truck driver shortage in the US is a complex issue with far-reaching implications for the economy and supply chain. However, by implementing ...

Why is there a shortage of truckers if you never see any driving ...

There is no shortage of truck drivers, just a shortage of companies who treat their drivers right. When trucking companies advertise "we pay you ...

The Real Reason America Doesn't Have Enough Truck Drivers

“This shortage narrative is industry lobbying rhetoric,” says Steve Viscelli, a labor expert at the University of Pennsylvania who previously ...

FreightWaves gets it wrong on driver shortage

FreightWaves CEO Craig Fuller calls the truck driver shortage a “myth” in a recent piece of self-promotion, but his assertion collapses under the weight of ...

The Truck Driver Shortage in the US Continues | AJOT.COM

According to a recent study, more than 80,000 drivers are needed to make up a shortage in America this year. And unfortunately, this problem ...

The perpetual truck driver shortage is not real - FreightWaves

Generally speaking, the driver shortage myth stems from larger trucking companies that find it difficult to recruit drivers into their fleet ...

So, About That Truck Driver Shortage - Trucking Truth

If you consider those factors, over a period of one year there is an incredible shortage of qualified drivers. With all of the hiring and training they conduct, ...

The perpetual truck driver shortage is not real -

The driver shortage thing depends on who you ask. Mid size to large carriers will say there's a shortage. They have seemingly endless direct customer freight.

What is the reason for the shortage of truck drivers in the United ...

There is no truck driver shortage in the U.S.. Why do you think that several trucking companies are filing for liquidation bankruptcy every week ...

Why is There a Truck Driver Shortage? - FleetOps

What is Causing the Truck Driver Shortage? ... According to ATA Chief Economist, Bob Costello, the trucker shortage is being caused by a number of factors. The ...

Driver Shortage in Trucking Is A BIG, FAT LIE - YouTube

... trucking-made-successful? SOURCES: ...

Truck Driver Shortage and Increased Truck Accidents in California

Trucking companies are currently down about 60,000 drivers, and estimates suggest that the shortage could reach over 160,000 by 2028. This problem doesn't just ...

America's Battle With Truck Driver Shortage - Pride Transportation

Today's truck driver shortage isn't a uniquely American problem. Hiring licensed truck drivers has become a difficult challenge on a global scale.

New study shows U.S. is facing truck driver shortage - CBS News

"Right now, we're in a shortage of 80,000 truck drivers and if we're going to keep going down the same trajectory, by the year 2030, it's ...

Is There Really A Truck Driver Shortage? : Planet Money - NPR

The ATA says the real shortage is in "long-haul trucking," which refers to truck drivers who have to travel long distances across state lines.