
Is it bad practice to use session variables to hold user ...

Still ok to use Session variables in ASP.NET mvc, or is there a better ...

It is perfectly OK to use sessions in ASP.NET MVC, especially in the shopping cart scenario of yours. There are drawbacks of using sessions, ...

Should session variables be avoided?

The only bad thing that I've run into in using Session variables is that it puts the burden on you to keep track of them, make sure they are ...

Is it a bad practice to store some user information on the session ...

Technically the cookie is encrypted so it should be ok, but if that encryption turns out to be weak for some reason, an attacker could change ...

Is it bad practice to use session variables to hold user ... - Quora

Session variables are a necessary evil in most ASP. NET MVC applications. They are 'necessary' because: * http is a stateless protocol but ...

Session variables vs database storage in terms of speed - SitePoint

I use a session variable to record if a user is logged in which I then read from page to page. However, I recently added a verification ...

Work with Session Variables - Logi DevNet

It's possible to put huge amounts of data into Session variables but it's poor practice to do so, because that will negatively affect server ...

Is Session a safe place to store data ? - CodeIgniter Forums

Yes you can use sessions for that. The session data is stored on the server, the client's browser is linked to its session on the server cased on the contents ...

Storing Encrypted Password in Session variables - ExpressionEngine

Storing data in sessions is not that unsafe, just note that if you are on a shared host all other sites can read your sessions data. Having it encrypted helps ...

Session member variable usage - Oracle Forums

So its a bad practice, if we used class level session variable which stores the client specific info. I dont think session will overwritten if you used ...

Avoid large session variables - OutSystems 11 Documentation

Session variables are designed to store information across requests in an application. They typically keep small amounts of information that help customize the ...

How could an attacker read the content of php session variables?

No. Generally, session data is only stored server-side and should not be readable by an attacker. However, bad configurations or ...

Please Stop Using Local Storage - DEV Community

And please, please, whatever you do, do not store session information (like JSON Web Tokens) in local storage. This is a very bad idea and will ...

How secure are session variables in PHP? - Quora

You'd want to use $_SESSION when you have a lot of cookies that exceed the Apache server's limitation or when you don't know whether the users ...

[Feature-2249] Saving Session Information - Ignition

Is there a preferred way of saving the session information for a user? Usually in the web world, we can either store the session in a cookie ...

Best Practices for "global variables"? - Questions - Bubble Forum

Or is it still better off using the database even for temporary user state data… ... session), use some form of browser storage. (SHAMELESS PLUG: ...

Chapter 5: Session Variables - Indigo Rose Software

Many of the built-in session variables hold information that has been gathered from the user's system. For example, since the path to the Windows folder can ...

How to Use Sessions and Session Variables in PHP | Envato Tuts+

It also creates a new file on the server which is used to store the session-specific information. Next, a session id is passed back to the user, ...

Hey i have a serious issue about storing things in the session state

If someone could access your session ID (which is not tied to any simple guessable value) they could connect to your session, but in practice ...

Session Management - OWASP Cheat Sheet Series

Although the Path attribute allows the isolation of session IDs between different web applications using different paths on the same host, it is highly ...

storing values in session variable vs instance variable

Session variables are useful when you really need a value to persist for the entire session. I would also say that it's good practice to use session variable ...