
Is it okay for API endpoints services to communicate directly with the ...

Is it okay for API endpoints services to communicate directly with the ...

I want the API Endpoints (which will be only one service that can have multiple instances for now) to communicate directly with the database rather than going ...

Is it good practice to directly call REST endpoint (method) from ...

If two methods need to fetch the same data, the same way, then extract a method fetchData , put it in a service, inject the service in your ...

Should I simply use the 3rd party api calls directly from the frontend ...

To give a very broad guideline, if the API key is meant to stay secret call it from the backend, if it's public or the authentication in made on ...

Restful communication between local applications is a good idea?

Any modern web server can service any number of different hosts. Each "virtual host" can service any number of individual service endpoints ...

In Software Architecture, should I make API calls to other services ...

However, the server side will always require endpoints that can securely interact with the client and a secure storage space for data security.

Best practices for REST API design - The Stack Overflow Blog

It is not a protocol or standard. While REST APIs can be accessed through a number of communication protocols, most commonly, they are called ...

Is an API Always Necessary for Server-Client Communication?

API is the language (English, German, Japanese) chosen to communicate between the client and the resource. What are the endpoints of the ...

What Is an API Endpoint? (And Why Are They So Important?)

In their requests, clients specify an endpoint as a URL. This URL tells the server, “The resource I want is at this location.” The process is ...

How can I ensure my API is only called by my client?

@Infra Someone else can use the service whilst we pay for it. If there was a way to ensure that the API call is only made by our client, then ...

Direct Database Access vs. REST APIs: Compare Application Activity

In today's business environment, though, not everyone who needs to connect services and data has a tech background. ... connect directly to a ...

The API gateway pattern versus the direct client-to-microservice ...

How can client apps communicate with services that use non-Internet-friendly protocols? ... endpoints. What happens when the application ...

API Endpoints: Build, Secure & Optimize for Better Performance

They provide a standardized way for client applications to interact with the API and access the desired functionality and data. How API ...

How to Use an API: Just the Basics - Technology Advice

The endpoint, headers, data format, and any associated parameter values all must be clearly defined in the API documentation. For each HTTP ...

Do all websites use an API? I believe they would as a client ... - Quora

APIs are a common and structured way for clients to interact with a server, especially when dealing with web services and dynamic web ...

API Security Best Practices | Curity

A fine-grained access control focuses on securing an API from a business perspective. The API should verify whether the request can reach the ...

What is an API Endpoint? - SmartBear

For APIs, an endpoint can include a URL of a server or service. ... In short, API performance relies on its ability to communicate effectively with API Endpoints.

What Is an API Endpoint? - Kinsta

Suppose your API endpoints are designed to allow consumers to talk to your services. In that case, you'll be putting them at significant risk by ...

Best practices for REST API security: Authentication and authorization

While your REST endpoints can serve your own website, a big advantage of REST is that it provides a standard way for other programs to interact ...

What Is an API Endpoint? - Code Institute Global

APIs specify how applications interact with each-other. When clients request a resource, they do it via an API endpoint.

REST API Endpoints - Draftbit

Endpoints work with API Services to let your app connect to specific resources from your server or backend.