
Is reddit getting both younger and older?

Is reddit getting both younger and older? : r/TheoryOfReddit

There are probably more older people on Reddit by raw numbers because the site has gotten bigger in general, but as a proportion of users Reddit ...

Has reddit's demographic gotten much much younger over the last ...

Yes, that is the general consensus. I've been on Reddit for 12 years and have certainly noticed the demographics shift over time. It is heavily ...

Am I just now older or is Reddit getting younger?

Thats just life on the internet. Its always getting younger. But it also does depend on the subreddit. Some tend to more mature crowds. Some ...

Redditors are getting older, aren't they? Looking for further evidence.

Existing users are obviously ageing (a side effect of living in the universe) but new (generally younger) users join. In many communities the ...

Is the average Redditor getting older? : r/TheoryOfReddit

People say that Reddit is being overrun with Gen Z teenagers, most I'm been noticing a huge influx of and skew towards older Gen Xers and ...

Am I getting older or is Reddit getting younger? : r/CasualConversation

As an old guy on Reddit (or old by Reddit standards at least) I definitely think the younger crowd has discovered it more. I didn't used to ...

What Age Group Uses Reddit? - Reddiquette

Demographic for users age eighteen to forty-nine on Reddit · Gender – It is fairly common knowledge that Reddit users tend to be both young and male.

Have the reddit age demographics shifted younger in recent years?

I'd say generally Reddit has gotten large influxes of "younger" users at the same time as their userbase is getting older. Comparisons are ...

Has the average age of Redditors dropped over the past year?

Traditionally, Reddit was known to be largely composed of young adults in their 20s and early 30s. However, I have been starting to suspect ...

Does the age of the average redditor increase as the site ages, or do ...

But the hypothesis that reddit actually getting older, well, I ... two, but for most of reddit's lifespan it's been getting younger. If ...

Do you think that the average age of Reddit's userbase grows ...

I think you may be right about it not necessarily being a younger person thing. I think Reddit's user base has exploded in the last few years so ...

Does Reddit mainly consist of underaged Americans?

64% of users are 18-29 years old. So we can definitely say that the audience is primarily made up of young White men. We don't have data on ...

Ages and Reddit, how did Reddit 'peak' so late in its years? Is ...

Ages and Reddit, how did Reddit 'peak' so late in its years? Is growth in a majority young/old cohort a death sentence or a new light?

What do you think the average age of a redditor is?

Well Reddit has been around for way over a decade now so a lot of us older users are getting on a bit now, even if we joined young! Upvote 3

Has the demographic of reddit become more juvenile in the past two ...

But yes, go to any default subreddit, or even most of the popular non-default subreddits, and you'll be seeing an echo chamber of mostly younger ...

Reddit news users more likely to be male, young and digital in their ...

Overall, 2% of U.S. adults get news on Reddit. Both Reddit users in general and users who get news on the site tend to be young, male, and to ...

Why does Reddit only seem to target young people?

As far as I know, reddit doesn't market itself, but relies on the userbase to bring in new users. If you'd like to get older friends interested ...

Are most redditors teenagers or just immature adults?

Well I can say I am an old Gen Xer who has it together and is successful in life and while I mostly engage in serious conversation on Reddit I ...

The news consumption habits of 16- to 40-year-olds

Gen Z is especially likely to get news daily on social media platforms when compared with older Millennials (74% compared with 68% for older ...

Is Reddit safe for kids? A parent's guide to the front page of the internet

Users can sign up without having to verify their age. So even though Reddit has a minimum user age of 13, under-13s can easily create an account ...