
Is there any overview of current solvers compatible with `JuMP`?

Is there any overview of current solvers compatible with `JuMP`?

The JuMP documentation enumerates several optional optimization solvers. I am curious if this represents the complete collection of optional solvers currently ...

Which JuMP.jl solver for this problem? - Julia Discourse

I've tried this with GLPK, Ipopt, and Juniper and I can't get any of them to work so I'm hoping someone with more knowledge/experience than me ...

Introduction - JuMP-dev

JuMP supports a range of nonlinear solvers; look for "NLP" in the list of Supported solvers. However, very few solvers support mixed-integer nonlinear linear ...

Performance tips - JuMP-dev

If you only use constraints that are natively supported by the solver, you can disable bridges by passing add_bridges = false to Model . julia> model = Model( ...

Connection between solver and Julia's JuMP

Once your solver is interfaced to MathOptInterface, it can be used in JuMP. There is no additional thing to do. Share. Share ...

How to find all solutions under some constraints using JuMP in Julia

This is not generally possible in JuMP. But it is possible for some solvers to return multiple solutions by setting solver-specific ...

ELI 5: JuMP : r/Julia - Reddit

JuMP doesn't directly provide solution algorithms. It allows you to formulate an optimization problem (mathematical program) in a solver- ...

jump-dev/AmplNLWriter.jl: A Julia interface to AMPL-enabled solvers

AmplNLWriter requires an AMPL compatible solver binary to function. Pass a string pointing to any AMPL-compatible solver binary as the first positional ...