
JOIN causing duplicate rows in Report

Why do multiple-table joins produce duplicate rows? - Stack Overflow

When you have related tables you often have one-to-many or many-to-many relationships. So when you join to TableB each record in TableA many ...

JOIN causing duplicate rows in Report - Spiceworks Community

The issue I have is that the Foreign Key in Table 2 has multiple entries (for individual items) and this causes duplicate rows in the amended report.

How do you guys deal with duplicates that occur from Joins? : r/SQL

As there can be multiple lines for each Unique Code, if you try to do a Left Join from Table 1 to Table 2 you end up duplicating the rows in ...

How Do You Get Rid of Duplicates in an SQL JOIN? -

1. Missing ON Condition · 2. Using an Incomplete ON Condition · 3. Selecting a Subset of Columns · 4. Listing Matching Rows Only · 5. Using Self ...

Does the JOIN really duplicate data on the level of response from ...

Making the INNER JOIN produces "duplicates" from the first table. Are those duplicated rows really returning as copies of the same data from the ...

Inner join causes duplicate rows - Epicor User Help Forum

This is probably a simple SQL question, but I am at a loss. I have a stored procedure on an SSRS report for Scrap Details that returns 2 ...

Join causes Duplicate records. - Tableau Community

As you can see in below SS. One table has 19k and the other one has 6k rows in it but join result has +3m records. Anyone has an idea about how ...

Handling Multiple joins creating duplicates - Cloudera Community

There are many one to many relationships. Naturally - after the first join the subsequent join will produce duplicate rows. The end result is a massive table ...

Why is join causing raw file to duplicate fields f... - Alteryx Community

The join will duplicate records if the key field you used has duplicated values on the input tables.

Debugging duplicated data in SQL query results - Metabase

Are you missing a GROUP BY clause? · Check if your source tables or nested queries have duplicated rows. · Check your table below to see how your join type ...

Duplicates after joining datasets - Domo Community Forum

If you have multiple values in the supplier code codes it will cause a cross product join creating duplicates. Try and include the supplier ...

SQL Join table returns Duplicate Rows - Spiceworks Community

You just need to remove the Purchase cost (not sure if it is ITEachCost or just cost because your headers don't match your query) from the group ...

Query displays multiple duplicate rows - Forums

Run these queries. Any tables that contain more than 1 matching row will cause duplicates when you join it to the Employees table. How you go ...

Duplicate rows when bringing data from multiple tables

Based on your current description, it is caused by the fact that you have a 1-to-many relationship between your table and the table before it.

Table Merge creates duplicate records - Microsoft Fabric Community

merge brings all the instances of this value no matter how many there are, and it duplicates the value in the first table to match that count, it works this way ...

Joining multiple tables results in duplicate rows - DBA Stack Exchange

The GROUP BY clause at the end ensures only a single row is returned for each unique combination of columns in the GROUP BY clause. This should prevent ...

Inner Join returns duplicate entries? | Access World Forums

If the joined tables are one/many AND you happen to not retrieve any of the fields from the many-side that would show you that the records are ...

Left Join Causing duplicates - Qlik Community - 978569

You will get duplicate records because there are two different names for same acc no and date. Hence what you can do is make repeating column ...

Duplicate Values when Joining Queries

Hello everyone, My final query is creating multiple rows on my join and I only want it to create 1. Here is an Example: Query 1: Items

SI Report - RawData Duplicate Rows - Why? - Sage 300 - Sage City

Joins, in themselves wouldn't cause duplicates, its the nature of the tables we use and the joins we use on them that can cause duplicates.