
Journal—Service workers and browser extensions

Journal—Service workers and browser extensions - Adactio

The browser extension is also waiting to intercept certain network requests. Now the extension is the first port of call, and the service worker ...

Service Worker in Browser Extensions | by Madhura Mehendale

A service worker is a script that your browser runs in the background, separate from a web page, opening the door to features that don't need a web page or ...

About extension service workers - Chrome for Developers

Extension service workers are an extension's central event handler. That makes them just different enough from web service workers.

Using web workers with chrome extension - javascript - Stack Overflow

To send data to a worker, simply add the following to the top of worker.js: self.onmessage = function(event) { // Do something with ...

Service Worker API - MDN Web Docs

Service workers essentially act as proxy servers that sit between web applications, the browser, and the network (when available).

Service Workers in Chrome Extensions MV3: Powering Background ...

Service workers leverage Chrome extension APIs to perform various background tasks. These APIs allow you to interact with browser functionalities, manage data, ...

Patching Worker scopes (esp. ServiceWorkerGlobalScope)

Yes, this entire topic is about a way for an extension to patch a web site's service worker script, which is a very special case. So local overrides or file ...

Stuff I wish I'd known sooner about service workers - GitHub Gist

Or you can have the browser do that for you by going to the Application tab in devtools (in Canary, not stable Chrome yet) , going to the Service Workers ...

Using service worker as a browser extension : r/learnjavascript

I'm trying to create a service worker from the client side, as a Safari extension. I don't have any access to the server.

ServiceWorker - Web APIs | MDN

Service workers can only be registered in the Window scope in some or all browsers, because the ServiceWorker object is not exposed to ...

Harnessing Service Workers in Chrome Extensions - Medium

When developing Chrome extensions, one of the most important tools for managing background tasks efficiently is the service worker.

Service worker improvements - Microsoft Edge

How to use each service worker improvement in the Network, Application, and Sources tools in Microsoft Edge DevTools.

About Chrome Extension Service Workers | Deriv Tech

Essentially, your service worker is the heart of your extension. It runs when you install the extension and handles all the background legwork.

Service worker overview | Workbox - Chrome for Developers

Service workers are specialized JavaScript assets that act as proxies between web browsers and web servers. They aim to improve reliability by providing ...

Patching the AWS JavaScript SDK for Service Workers

... service worker context. Background. For the Former2 project, I produce browser extensions for most major browsers in order to bypass the lack ...

Use a service worker to manage network requests - Microsoft Learn

The web browser that's running your PWA can provide different levels of support for your service worker. Also, the context in which your PWA is ...

Allow workers & shared workers to be created within a service worker

If extension service workers want nested workers, each browser can add them; that doesn't impact the web platform workers specified in web ...

Learn to Create Your Own Chrome Extension from Scratch - Turing

A service worker (previously called a background script) is an event-based script that runs separately from a web page in the background. An extension's service ...

Content scripts and Service workers in Chrome extension

Content scripts are scripts that run in the context of web pages and are mainly used for DOM operations. CSS and JS are inserted into pages that match the ...

Extracting logs from Lace extension and Lace service worker in ...

Keeping the first Chrome window open, Launch a second Chrome window. b. From the second Chrome browser click three dots in the top right-hand ...