
Knowing Jesus|The Supreme Goal Of Every Christian

Knowing Jesus-The Supreme Goal Of Every Christian

The real point is all about knowing Jesus and growing in the knowledge of him. I feel like all of these topics become perverted if it's not really, first and ...

The Ultimate Goal of a Christian - Bible Principles

Here's a great challenge—and great goal! It's to keep our minds and hearts focused on Jesus Christ ... Consider the following series of scriptures ...

What is the ultimate goal of Jesus Christ? What would he like me to ...

The ultimate goal of Jesus is to rehabilitate the human race once we kill off each other the same way we killed him.

The Supreme Worth of Knowing Christ: Biblical Examples and ...

As believers today, we are called to prioritize our relationship with Jesus above all else, enduring hardships and making sacrifices to gain the ...

The Ultimate Goal is to Follow Jesus - The Good Christian Co.

Goals, we all have them, and if we don't, we want to have them. This recent trend in the form of a hashtag is still largely used by the ...

What is the ultimate life goal for a Christian? - Reddit

The ultimate goal is to spread the gospel, to make more people believe in Him, and to be as much like Christ as possible.

What is the ultimate goal of a human according to Bible?

The ultimate goal is to come to know God the Father and Jesus Christ and thereby gain eternal life.

The Goal of the Christian Life - Grace Communion International

What a concept! We are to be like God not just in the resurrection, but even, to the extent possible, in this life. We are becoming like Jesus, ...

Supreme Importance of Knowing Christ, The - Austin-Sparks.Net

The knowledge of Christ is THE basis of the whole of the life of the child of God, and underlies every phase and aspect of that life. That is, it underlies our ...

The Supremacy of Christ in Everything | Desiring God

Supreme over Creation · 1. Christ Is God · 2. Christ Is Before All Things · 3. Christ Created Everything That Is Not God · 4. Christ Holds ...

Philippians 3:8-15 AMPC -

... supreme advantage) of knowing Christ Jesus. ... [For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and ...

The Ultimate Goal of Christianity | A Word In Season

Well, since I have come to some understanding of what Jesus meant about the Kingdom of God (Heaven), things that were once complicated are all ...

The Surpassing Worth of Knowing Christ

The answer is Christ, our union with Him by grace through faith, and all the spiritual blessings that are found in Him. In short, we are talking ...

What is the Ultimate Goal of the Christian Life? Spoiler Alert-It's ...

It's about making God a big deal. Meeting that objective prepares for the next life. When we choose to put our energy into the ultimate ...

The Supremacy of Christ by R.C. Sproul - Ligonier Ministries

He is the very brightness of the glory of God. Again, it is not enough to say that He is the supreme reflection of divine glory. Nay, He is the ...

What Is The Ultimate GOAL of The Christian Life? - YouTube

What is the GOAL of the Christian life? A goal is the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result. Knowing the desired ...

To Know Christ and to Make Him Known - Christian Research Institute

Jesus wanted each person He encountered to understand His supreme mission: to glorify God by drawing people to Himself.

Knowing Christ is Our Greatest Goal and Our Greatest Good

Eternal life is not a place; it is a person, Jesus. We should think less of eternal life as “going to Heaven,” and more of it as knowing Christ.

Is Knowing Jesus Better than Anything? - ChristNOW

Knowing and enjoying Jesus is the point of the Christian life, and when I lose this essential truth, I'm doomed to a life of forever chasing ...

The Supreme Goal In Life - Jim May

Knowing God makes us feel alive. “And this is eternal life that they may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” [Jn. 17:3] ...