
Linux gpg to encrypt a file but it does nothing?

Decrypting with GPG doesn't create an output file - Stack Overflow

How did you get the original encrypted file onto your Linux system? Often files get corrupted when transferred if not sent as "binary". Also ...

GPG failing with no error for one of my encrypted files

anything -- and according to even not-yet-final jammy (22.04) will only have gnupg 2.2.27 (but does have openssl 3.0.1!).

GnuPG outputting rubbish when trying to use the encrypt option

gpg --encrypt without any file argument encrypts from STDIN and outputs to STDOUT. Without another --armor / -a option, GnuPG will produce a ...

gpg --encrypt fails - Information Security Stack Exchange

You need to specify the key that you want to use for encryption, so the command you need in this case is gpg -r [email protected] -- ...

File encryption and decryption made easy with GPG - Red Hat

Encrypting a file with gpg leaves the original file intact, file1.txt , and adds the telltale .gpg extension to the newly encrypted file. You ...

[Solved] GnuPG (gpg: file: encryption failed: No public key)

I'm trying to encrypt a file with GnuPG to upload to a cloud server (Amazon is now offering free unlimited storage for 3 months and $60/year there after).

GPG: Which key is GPG exactly using for encrypting and decrypting?

Using the -c flag to encrypt files means that gpg uses symmetric key encryption. Symmetric key cryptography uses a single key (the symmetric ...

Using GPG to Encrypt and Decrypt Files on Linux [Hands-on for ...

What this means is, you are decrypting the document.txt.gpg file to the original document.txt using the private key of the receiver. It will ask ...

GPG Key Created But WIll Not Decrypt - Ask Ubuntu

If it is missing in gpg -K (the long version for -K is --list-secret-keys , -k with a small letter only lists public keys), GnuPG does not find ...

Need simple process for File Encryption and decryption using gpg ...

Hello Group members.. I am Very new to Linux, was working on Unix for simple scripting. Now We have a task to migrate the server from Unix ...

gpg - decrypt file without --output option - GnuPG & Gpg4win Forum

You can just write --output myfile.txt so you get the file without the ending .gpg and it will be created where the gpg command is executed. 1 ...

How to use GPG to encrypt stuff | Yan Han's blog

This will generate an encrypted file that can only be decrypted using the recipient's private key; Send the encrypted file and (optionally) the ...

Using GPG to Encrypt Your Data - HECC Knowledge Base

If you choose not to add the cipher-algo AES256 to your gpg.conf file, you can add --cipher-algo AES256 on any of these simple example command ...

Solved: GPG key Encryption/Decryption and Unable to decryp...

This issue got resolved now. Earlier we were using Kleopatra tool to encrypt the file but the Adobe's GPG public key was not getting imported properly in tool ...

How To Use GPG to Encrypt and Sign Messages | DigitalOcean

To get around this issue, GPG relies on a security concept known as public key encryption. The idea is that you can split the encrypting and ...

Gpg.exe hangs sometimes - help-en - GnuPG & Gpg4win Forum

It could also be something trivial like that gnupg wants you to ask if it is ok to overwrite a file with the same name and if it gets no ...

gpg decrypts files without asking for password - Ask Ubuntu

The encryption is not worthless, as the cache will be cleared upon logout, and will obviously not be transmitted with the file. Gpg is primarily ...

Concerns that gpg (GnuPG) could be maliciously used in order to ...

will silently encrypt the file without opening the passphrase window. That is, a malicious script (bash, python, …) running with simple user ...

Using GPG to encrypt and decrypt a file - YouTube

in this quick video you can see how to use GPG commands to encrypt and decypt a file. - demo using GnuPG/GPG CLI - GPG to encrypt and ...

Decrypt File not working but no error message received

5 and GPG Suite 2015.08 in the meantime? Does the problem persist? So you received an encrypted file. Then you write "he sent me the key used to ...