
Logstash => influxdb authentication failed

Logstash => influxdb authentication failed - Elastic Discuss

I am trying to make my logstash report matrics to influxdb but i got authentication failed :frowning: Here is my config for logstash.conf: ...

Logstash cannot connect to InfluxDB - Telegraf

I am trying to send data from Logstash to InxluxDB but Logstash is not able to connect: [2017-05-18T16:39:37.652000 #1] ERROR -- InfluxDB: ...

logstash influxdb plugin error · Issue #11396 - GitHub

Hi Team, We are trying to connect logstash with influxdb , but getting below error:- ...

Influxdb output plugin | Logstash Reference [8.15] - Elastic

The amount of time in seconds to delay the initial retry on connection failure. The delay will increase exponentially for each retry attempt (up to max_retries) ...

Logstash cannot find/connect to InfluxDB

... logstash file, when I check the logs. I get this error from the logstash logs. E, [2017-06-22T16:01:00.561000 #10477] ERROR – InfluxDB: Failed ...

Logstash with inluxdb - influxdb - Stack Overflow

The URL in your example is valid only for the API in InfluxDB 0.8 or earlier. Since you are using 0.9.6, that endpoint does not exist.

[http] 'auth-enabled' Broken authentication - InfluxDB 1

10 InfluxDB shell version: 1.8.10 > show databases ERR: authorization failed Warning: It is possible this error is due to not setting a database ...

Logstash script unable to write data to InfluxDB - Stack Overflow

... auth => { user => "elastic" password => "changeme" } } } codec ... Influx and the error logs shows this: 09:56:25.658 [[main]>worker0 ...

Why is this error: "Interactive authentication required" popping up?

When you use sudo systemctl , you are scheduling a systemd job as root . root is always allowed to schedule systemd jobs and so this will ...

Logstash - OpenSearch Documentation

Authentication backends · HTTP ... Press Ctrl + C to shut down Logstash. Troubleshooting. If you already have a Logstash process running, you'll get an error.

Laravel Homestead - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans - Laravel

InfluxDB; Logstash; MariaDB; Meilisearch; MinIO; MongoDB; Neo4j; Oh My Zsh; Open Resty; PM2; Python; R; RabbitMQ; Rust; RVM (Ruby Version Manager); Solr ...

ERR: unable to parse authentication credentials

Hi, I tried to install influxDB using Digital Ocean. I started influx CLI using: influx following lines appeared: Connected to ...

Influxdb2 authentication failing - Mycodo - Radical DIY Forum

So far so good. However, i noticed that the values from the input were not written to the influxdb, with an error: 2023-07-27 10: ...

Logstash to influxdb2 aggregate datapoints issue - InfluxDB 2

I have lots of log lines like this in exact same time, when i try to use logstash to pars and send to influxdb2, influx or ligstash aggregates some lines!