
Long|term physical conditions and mental health

Long-term physical conditions and mental health

Those of us with long-term physical health conditions are also likely to experience mental health problems such as depression and anxiety.

Understanding the Link Between Chronic Disease and Depression

People who have depression are at higher risk of developing certain chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, pain, osteoporosis, and ...

Physical health and mental health | Mental Health Foundation

Research shows that people with a mental health problem are more likely to have a preventable physical health condition such as heart disease.

Mental health and physical illness - Every Mind Matters - NHS

It's natural to feel low, worried or stressed when we're unwell, and someone with a long-term condition is more likely to experience mental health issues.

The Psychological Strain of Chronic Physical Illness - News-Medical

Chronic physical illness is psychologically draining to those experiencing it, and psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety are more common amongst ...

The Relationship between Mental Health, Mental Illness and ...

Conversely, people living with chronic physical health conditions experience depression and anxiety at twice the rate of the general population. Co-existing ...

Mental Health: How It Affects Your Physical Health - WebMD

Being in a good mental state can keep you healthy and help prevent serious health conditions. A study found that positive psychological well- ...

Physical illness and mental health - Royal College of Psychiatrists

Not everyone who has a physical illness will experience mental health problems. However, people with long-term physical illnesses are more likely to have lower ...

Relationship between severe mental illness and physical ...

Indeed, growing evidence suggests that people with mental disorders have a higher prevalence of several chronic physical health conditions, ...

Co-occurring: Mental Health and Chronic Illness

And often mental illnesses and other chronic conditions co-occur. People with cancer often have depression; people with schizophrenia often have diabetes; and ...

Long term conditions and medically unexplained symptoms

... physical symptoms) also have mental health comorbidities. Mental and [ ... The NHS Talking Therapies pathway for people with long-term physical health conditions ...

How does physical health impact on mental health including Long ...

People with long term conditions request that they are seen as more than their condition; for health professionals to understand that they have lives, dreams, ...

Chronic Illness and Depression: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Which long-term illnesses lead to depression? ... Any chronic condition can trigger depression, but the risk increases if the illness is more severe and causes ...

Physical health of people with mental illness

People living with mental illness are more likely to experience poorer physical health than the general population.

Mental illness - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

Sometimes symptoms of a mental health disorder appear as physical problems, such as stomach pain, back pain, headaches, or other unexplained ...

Mental health of older adults - World Health Organization (WHO)

While most have good health, many are at risk of developing mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety disorders.

People with mental illness struggle with long-term physical conditions

People with severe mental illness can struggle to self-manage long-term physical conditions. Research highlights their need for personalised support.

Long-term conditions and mental health: the cost of co-morbidities

More than 4 million people in England with a long-term physical health condition also have mental health problems, and many of them experience significantly ...

Improving the mental health or children with long term conditions

The burden of suffering with a long term physical condition can cause feelings of anxiety and depression in many young people and children.

Mental health concerns and childhood chronic physical health ...

Background and Objective: Children who have a chronic physical health condition, whether diagnosed at birth or acquired later in life, are at increased risk ...