
Low|Level Cloud Budgets across Sea Ice Edges in

Low-Level Cloud Budgets across Sea Ice Edges in - AMS Journals

Abstract Interpreting behaviors of low-level clouds (LLCs) in a climate model is often not straightforward. This is particularly so over polar oceans where ...

Low-Level Cloud Budgets across Sea Ice Edges

ABSTRACT: Interpreting behaviors of low-level clouds (LLCs) in a climate model is often not straightforward. This is partic- ularly so over polar oceans ...

Low-Level Cloud Budgets across Sea Ice Edges

After substantiating the model's skill in reproducing observed LLCs, we use the modeled budgets of cloud fraction and water content to elucidate physics ...

(PDF) Low-Level Cloud Budgets across Sea Ice Edges

After substantiating the model's skill in reproducing observed LLCs, we use the modeled budgets of cloud fraction and water content to elucidate ...

AMT - Assessing Arctic low-level clouds and precipitation from above

(2021) using measurements from the RV Polarstern in the marginal sea ice zone (MIZ), however, the frequent occurrence of low-level stratus ...

Isolating the Surface Type Influence on Arctic Low‐Clouds - Taylor

The results indicate significantly larger CF and TWC values over ice-free than ice-covered surfaces between 300 m and 1.5 km in non-summer ...

Characterisation of low-base and mid-base clouds and their ...

(2022) found higher ice number concentrations in Arctic low-level ice clouds over sea ice compared to Arctic low-level clouds over the ocean.

Open Water in Sea Ice Causes High Bias in Polar Low‐Level ...

Compared to satellite observations, we find that excessive low-level clouds are produced over the region covered by sea ice, especially during ...

How does sea ice affect Arctic clouds?

In the Northern Hemisphere, these occur when cold Arctic air moves southward over the open ocean, often in the wake of low-pressure systems ( ...

NASA Satellites Show How Clouds Respond to Arctic Sea Ice Change

... ocean and does cause sea level rise. The new research shows low clouds over the polynya emitted more energy or heat than clouds in adjacent ...

Low-Cloud, Boundary Layer, and Sea Ice Interactions over the ... - jstor

stratified by low-level advection across the sea ice edge. As a ... Impact of low-level advection on the surface heat budget. We have ...

Seasonal Variations of Arctic Low‐Level Clouds and Its Linkage to ...

Later/earlier sea ice freeze regions tend to possess larger/smaller low‐level cloud LWP and a broader/narrower PDF particularly in October and November. This ...

Changes in Arctic clouds during intervals of rapid sea ice loss

Over the annual cycle, CCSM3's monthly increases in total cloudiness most closely track the cloud changes at low levels (r = 0.90), where the ...

Evaluation of wintertime low-cloud fraction near the sea ice edge in...

This is particularly so over polar oceans where frozen and unfrozen surfaces coexist, with horizontal winds streaming across them, shaping LLCs. To add clarity ...

Does A Relationship Between Arctic Low Clouds and Sea Ice Matter?

Through this impact Arctic low clouds influence important aspects of the Arctic climate system, namely surface and atmospheric temperature, sea ice extent and ...

Low-Cloud, Boundary Layer, and Sea Ice Interactions over the ...

Low clouds and moisture emit longwave. (LW) radiation downward and heat the surface, and low- level winds control the surface turbulent heat and ...

Association with Sea-Ice Loss during 1950-2019 in ERA5 - Staff

larger increases in low clouds than mid-level clouds over exposed ocean surfaces (Kay and ... Ming, 2023: Low-level cloud budgets across sea-ice ...

Relationships between Arctic Sea Ice and Clouds during Autumn

Sea ice retreat is linked to a decrease in low-level cloud amount and a simultaneous increase in midlevel clouds. This pattern is apparent ...

Science of Sea Ice | National Snow and Ice Data Center

Then in 2007, the overall ice extent set a new record low. Again, a pattern of ice motion transported a lot of multiyear ice across the Arctic Ocean towards ...

Antarctic sea ice surface temperature bias in atmospheric ... - Nature

We found that overestimated cloud simulation can contribute more than 4 K warm bias, with ERA5 exhibiting the largest warm bias.