
Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high|latitude ...

Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high-latitude ...

This low-cloud feedback increases the continental surface air temperature by roughly two degrees for each degree increase of the initial maritime surface air ...

Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high-latitude ...

“Low Clouds Suppress Arctic Air Formation and. Amplify High-Latitude Continental Winter Warming.” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 112 (37) (August. 31): 11490–11495.

Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high-latitude ...

Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high-latitude continental winter ... Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Sep 15;112(37):11490-5. doi: ...

[PDF] Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high ...

It is shown that the process of Arctic air formation, in which a high-latitude maritime air mass is advected over a continent, cooled at the surface, ...

Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high-latitude ...

Request PDF | Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high-latitude continental winter warming | Significance Future-greenhouse simulations, ...

(Open Access) Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify ...

(DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.1510937112) High-latitude continents have warmed much more rapidly in recent decades than the rest of the globe, especially in winter, ...

Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high-latitude ...

Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high-latitude continental winter warming ... air temperature, effectively suppressing Arctic air formation.

Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify ... - Altmetric

Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high-latitude continental winter warming. Published in. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ...

Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify ... - Altmetric

Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high-latitude continental winter warming. Overview of attention for article published in Proceedings of ...

Suppression of Arctic Air Formation with Climate Warming

These findings support the hypothesis that increasing insulation of the high-latitude land surface by low clouds in a warmer world could act as a strong ...

EGU 2021 Collaborators: Camille Hankel, Minmin Fu, Dorian Abbot ...

Arctic Air suppression. • T. W. Cronin and E. Tziperman. Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high-latitude continental winter warming. Proc ...

Characteristics of low-level temperature inversions over the Arctic ...

The low clouds (or fog) contribute to the transition from the SBIs to EIs by cloud-top radiative cooling. •. The subsidence and warm air ...

Suppression of Arctic Air Formation with Climate Warming

Recent work proposed that, in a warmer climate, increasing low-cloud optical thickness of maritime air advected over high-latitude landmasses during polar night ...

Air Parcel Trajectory Analysis to Identify the Effects of Low Cloud ...

Nature Geoscience 7, 181–184 (2014). Cronin, T. W. et al. Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high-latitude continental winter warming.

In Salutem on X: "Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and ...

Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high-latitude continental winter warming

Formation of Arctic Stratocumuli Through Atmospheric Radiative ...

Stratocumulus clouds are important to the Arctic climate because they are prevalent and exert a strong radiative forcing on the surface.

Suppression of Arctic Air Formation with Climate Warming - OUCI

Recent work proposed that, in a warmer climate, increasing low-cloud optical thickness of maritime air advected over high-latitude landmasses during polar night ...

AMT - Assessing Arctic low-level clouds and precipitation from above

Most Arctic clouds occur below 2 km altitude, as revealed by CloudSat satellite observations. However, recent studies suggest that the ...

Sensitivity of Arctic air formation to climate in a 2D cloud-resolving ...

Thanks! Cronin & Tziperman, 2015, PNAS, Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high- latitude continental winter warming.

A Sensitivity Study of Arctic Air‐Mass Transformation Using Large ...

Mixed-phase cloud formation during Arctic air ... Low clouds suppress Arctic air formation and amplify high-latitude continental winter warming.