
Mandate for World Evangelism

The Mandate of God for World Evangelism

Are present day disciples called to evangelize the world in our "generation?" Many teachers have minimized this centuries long dream of. God or have simply ...

The evangelism mandate -

Jesus' last words to his disciples in Matthew's gospel indicate our fundamental mission: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore ...

Bible in World Evangelization - Perspectives on Mission

John R.W. Stott is. Rector Emeritus of All Souls. Church in Lon- don, President of the London Institute for Contem- porary Christianity. Stott has played.


THE MANDATE OF EVANGELISM ... five principles taught in the Word of God. These are the principles of command, condition, concern, competition, and consummation.

The Mandate For World Evangelism (Parts 1 & 2)

The rock is Christ! The mountain is the Kingdom – the church – and those of faith in heaven, for this kingdom will never be destroyed! (Daniel 2 ...

Shock and Awe | The Mandate of God for World Evangelism

He exclaims, “All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing.” (Colossians 1:6) However, Jesus tells the apostles while preaching ...

The Lost Plan | The Mandate of God for World Evangelism

Three thousand new disciples were “added to their number” The unique power of the movement of Jesus was His call to be as committed as Him and ...

How can I contribute to world evangelism? |

World evangelism is the Christian mandate from Jesus known as the Great Commission. God's heart for world evangelism is found in Matthew ...

The Mandate for World Evangelism (Part 9) - Orlando International ...

To evangelize the world was explicitly commanded by Jesus to the apostles in Matthew 28:19-20. Did this mean everyone in the world would become ...

Evangelism in the Bible: A Timeless Mandate

Evangelism, the sharing of the Christian gospel, has been a central mandate for Christians throughout history. The Bible offers numerous ...

Our Global Missions Mandate

Our Global Missions Mandate ... The one true God—revealed in creation, our conscience, and the Scriptures—is a God of missions. As His people, we ...


The first, evangelization, is specifically related to proclamation of the gospel. According to the helpful definition in the World Christian Encyclopedia, being ...

World Evangelism – MD Harris Institute

The classic New Testament passage that mandates world evangelism is the Great Commission. The reformers understood Matthew 28:18-20 to apply ...

What is the Difference between Evangelism and Missions?

Simply put, our evangelistic mandate is our commitment to share the gospel with everyone within our normal reach. This should be viewed quite ...

Mission and Evangelism - World Council of Churches

Mission is both part of the church's essence and the basic task of the church. Whatever forms it may take, it cannot lose its two basic elements: proclamation ...

The Lausanne Covenant

In the Church's mission of sacrificial service, evangelism is primary. World evangelization requires the whole Church to take the whole gospel to the whole ...

World Evangelism | An outreach program of the churches of Christ

Our goal is to be the bridge between supporting Christians and churches in the United States and foreign brethren who are the “boots on the ground” to carry the ...

Mission and Evangelism |

The New Testament focus on mission consistently includes all the world rather than only the community of God's people. Jesus sent his disciples into the world ...

Obligation of a Generation to Evangelize the World

Today there are 680,000,000 Bible-believing evangelicals world wide. This means that for every believer there are only 9 non-believers and for ...

Mission in the Madness - Lifeway Voices

We live on earth as citizens of a spiritual country. We cannot allow temporary goals (even important ones) to distract us from our ultimate ...