
Measuring the impact of prices on inequality

Measuring the impact of prices on inequality

However, cost of living indices defined for a single consumer do not take into account the effect of price changes on real income inequality, which always.

Measuring the impact of prices on inequality - SpringerLink

This paper develops a new methodology to compute social cost of living indices. These indices indicate whether or not price changes have a favourable (or ...

(PDF) Measuring the impact of prices on inequality - ResearchGate

The methodology developed in the paper is applied to compute social cost of living indices for Thailand and Korea. The empirical results show that changes in ...

The effects of asset prices on income inequality: Redistribution ...

Are rising asset prices really the cause of rising inequality? Using the data of 32 developed countries across 1980–2018, this research empirically reveals that ...

Measuring the impact of prices on inequality - repositorio ipea

Title: Measuring the impact of prices on inequality: with applications to Thailand and Korea ; Authors: Son, Hyun H. · Kakwani, Nanak ; Abstract: This paper ...

Measuring the impact of prices on inequality - IDEAS/RePEc

Hyun Son & Nanak Kakwani, 2006. "Measuring the impact of prices on inequality: With applications to Thailand and Korea," The Journal of Economic Inequality, ...

Measuring the impact of prices on inequality - IDEAS/RePEc

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Trade and price-index inequality - IFS

Identifying the effects of trade on consumer price indices is challenging for two broad reasons: measurement and causal identification. In terms of measurement ...

Inequality and Measured Growth | NBER

Compared to a half-century ago, inequality in the United states has risen and measured productivity growth has fallen.

Income, Inequality, and Food Prices: A Critique of Broda, Leibtag, and

In “The Role of Prices in Measuring the Poor's Living Standards,” Christian Broda, Ephriam ... “The Effect of Income Inequality on Price Dispersion.” Working ...

Measuring Welfare and Inequality with Incomplete Price Information*

Measuring changes in household welfare is valuable in many contexts, both to evaluate the impacts of policies and to assess changes in well-being across time ...

Nexus between inflation, income inequality, and economic growth in ...

This can drive asset price inflation and potentially contribute to broader inflationary pressure in the economy. The long-run impact of real GDP ...

Taking prices seriously in the measurement of inequality

Research which seeks to measure economic inequality usually ignores relative prices. However, relative price changes may affect poor households differently from ...

Developing a consumption measure, with examples of use for ...

Then, we describe the methods used to examine the impact of using consumption as opposed to total expenditures or income for poverty and inequality analysis.

Introduction to Inequality - International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Gini coefficient is a typical measure of income inequality. The coefficient varies between 0 and 1, with 0 representing perfect equality and 1 perfect ...

Measuring income inequality: A primer on the debate

Many of the choices made in earlier research by Piketty and Saez (2003), and later by PSZ, tended to push measured inequality higher. In ...

Measuring Real Inequality Using Survey Data from Developing ...

I refer to this as the composition effect. Second, if there is a systematic difference in the prices faced by households over the income distribution, nominal ...

Housing Prices Impact on Inequalities and Inequality Measurement

Overestimating the value of housing capital leads to an underestimation of wealth inequalities because it has a relatively greater impact on middle-class than ...

Income inequality and housing prices in the very long‐run

(2001) Measuring the impact of crime on house prices. Applied Economics, 33. (15), 1981–1989. Määttänen, N. & Terviö, M. (2014) Income distribution and ...

Reassessing the econometric measurement of inequality and poverty

The destabilization of the income distribution during this period led to a universal move to adopt the Gini Index as a gold standard measure for ...