
Medline ® Abstract for Reference 78 of 'Acquired hemophilia A

Medline ® Abstract for Reference 78 of 'Acquired hemophilia A (and ...

Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) is an autoimmune disease caused by an autoantibody to factor VIII. Patients are at risk of severe and fatal hemorrhage until the ...

Medline ® Abstracts for References 78-87 of 'Acquired hemophilia A ...

Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) is an autoimmune disease caused by an autoantibody to factor VIII. Patients are at risk of severe and fatal hemorrhage until the ...

Acquired hemophilia A: a review of recent data and new therapeutic ...

Objectives: Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) is a rare, but potentially life-threatening, bleeding disorder caused by an autoantibody against factor ...

International recommendations on the diagnosis and treatment of ...

Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) is a rare bleeding disorder characterized by autoantibodies directed against circulating coagulation factor (F) VIII ...

Acquired hemophilia A: emerging treatment options - PMC

Acquired hemophilia A is a rare autoimmune disorder caused by an autoantibody (inhibitor) to factor VIII (FVIII) that interferes with its coagulant function ...

Immunoadsorption for the Treatment of Acquired Hemophilia

The treatment of patients with acquired hemophilia is challenging due to life-threatening hemorrhages, delayed response, and adverse effects to ...

Acquired hemophilia A in the United Kingdom: a 2-year national ...

Abstract. Acquired hemophilia A is a severe bleeding disorder caused ... Acquired haemophilia—a study of ten cases. Haemophilia. 2000. ;. 6. : 78.

Acquired hemophilia A: Updated review of evidence and treatment ...

Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) is a rare disease resulting from autoantibodies (inhibitors) against endogenous factor VIII (FVIII) that leads to bleeding.

Lessons from a systematic literature review of the effectiveness of ...

Acquired haemophilia A is a rare bleeding disorder that affects approximately 1.48 people per million per year [1]. The incidence of acquired ...

Acquired Hemophilia - Medscape Reference

Acquired hemophilia is a rare but potentially life-threatening bleeding disorder caused by the development of autoantibodies (inhibitors) directed against ...

Acquired Hemophilia A: An Update on the Etiopathogenesis ... - MDPI

AHA has a low incidence of about 1.5 cases per million people [2,3]. AHA is a disease that most commonly affects the elderly (median age 64–78 years) but has ...

Acquired hemophilia A (AHA): underreported, underdiagnosed ...

Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) is a rare acquired bleeding disorder occurred due to the formation of inhibitory antibodies neutralizing ...

Acquired hemophilia A: a single-center study of 165 patients

Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) is a rare hemorrhagic disorder caused by factor (F)VIII inhibitors. The diagnosis and management of AHA remains challenging because ...

Acquired Hemophilia A - Hematology/Oncology Clinics

Acquired hemophilia A is a potentially severe bleeding disorder caused by antibodies against the patient's own factor VIII. Keywords. Hemophilia ...

Acquired Hemophilia A: A Case Report - Sage Journals

Acquired hemophilia A is due to an autoantibody to factor VIII, which is termed an inhibitor. This rare disorder can cause life-threatening ...

Acquired hemophilia A - Wiley Online Library

What is the epidemiology of AHA? AHA is predominantly a disease of the elderly (median age 64–78 years),1–8 but can be associated with ...

Medline ® Abstract for Reference 46 of 'Acquired hemophilia A (and ...

Acquired hemophilia A in the United Kingdom: a 2-year national surveillance study by the United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors' Organisation. AU: Collins PW ...

Systematic review of the presentation of coagulation factor VIII ...

This phenomenon, commonly known as “acquired hemophilia” or “autoimmune hemophilia,” typically presents with new or recent-onset bleeding and may be recurrent.

Consensus recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of ...

Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) is a rare bleeding disorder caused by an autoantibody to coagulation factor (F) VIII.

Acquired hemophilia A as a disease of the elderly

Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) is a rare autoimmune bleeding disorder characterized by the development of neutralizing autoantibodies ...