
Metadata API Overview

Understanding Metadata API - Salesforce Developers

The main purpose of Metadata API is to move metadata between Salesforce orgs during the development process. Use Metadata API to deploy, retrieve, create, ...

Metadata Types | Metadata API Developer Guide

Metadata API enables you to access some entities and feature settings that you can customize in the user interface.

Introduction to Tableau Metadata API

Documentation for the Tableau Metadata API.

The Metadata API - Gearset Help Center

The Salesforce Metadata API is used to retrieve, deploy, create, update, or delete customization information, such as custom object definitions and page ...

Metadata API Overview - eBay Developers Program

Metadata API Overview ... The Metadata API lets you retrieve eBay category policies, information on sales tax jurisdictions, and available hazardous material ...

Metadata API - Tableau

The Tableau Metadata API discovers and indexes all of the content on your Tableau Cloud site or Tableau Server, including workbooks, data sources, flows, and ...

What exactly is Metadata API? - Stack Overflow

... Metadata API of the application but still I am not able to understand. ... Here is also a link for the overview of the above metadata API.

Metadata API reference - Dapr Docs

The metadata API returns a list of pub/sub subscriptions that the app has registered with the Dapr runtime. This includes the pub/sub name, topic, routes, dead ...

METADATA API in Salesforce - YouTube

In this video, Shrey explained What is Metadata API and how it is different from REST API and SOAP API. You will also learn How to create ...

Use metadata to organize and govern APIs - Azure API Center

You define and set metadata to organize and filter APIs and other entities in your API center. Metadata can be built in or custom.

Service Metadata API | Service Infrastructure - Google Cloud

This API provides static metadata about Google Cloud Platform. Currently, it only provides basic information about Google Cloud locations.

Metadata API resources - eBay Developers Program

The Metadata API has operations that retrieve configuration details pertaining to the different eBay marketplaces. In addition to marketplace information, ...

Token-metadata-api Overview - Hiro Docs

Fetch data for any fungible, non-fungible, and semi-fungible token on Stacks.

Overview | Metadata Management (Cloud Edition)

The Metadata Management API provides access to information about the location, attributes, quality, and sensitivity of data.

Metadata Manipulation API Reference

Changing the order and location of the various Node objects (except for the Page object) within the structure means that the final output will be different than ...

APIs - OpenMetadata Documentation

sdk > python > api-reference > version-mixin · Utils. sdk > python > api ... Service APIs - support operations related to services from which metadata is ...

Metadata instance - API Reference - Box Developer Documentation

An instance of a metadata template, which has been applied to a file or folder. This resource has a few variations that can be encountered when using the API.

Introducing the Metadata API | Managing Table Schema via API

The Metadata API is a set of API endpoints provided by Xano that ... WeWeb + Xano Full Tutorial - Connecting, Auth, & more! Xano•13K ...

Metadata API Reference | Hasura GraphQL Docs

The Metadata API is primarily intended to be used as an admin API to manage the Hasura Metadata. Supported from The Metadata API is supported for versions v2.0 ...

Metadata APIs - ThoughtSpot for Developers

The metadata APIs allow you to query metadata objects from the ThoughtSpot system. The metadata objects include answers, Liveboards, visualizations, and data ...