
Metadata vocabularies

Controlled Vocabularies - Metadata Basics

Controlled Vocabularies. Controlled vocabularies are standardized and organized arrangements of words and phrases and provide a consistent way ...

Taxonomies and Controlled Vocabularies - Metadata & Discovery ...

This guide will assist researchers in understanding the basics of metadata and selecting appropriate metadata standards.

Digital Collections Metadata: Controlled Vocabularies

This guide's primary function is to explain what metadata is and what metadata should be used for Fordham Libraries' Digital Collections.

Metadata for Data Management: A Tutorial: Controlled Vocabularies

A controlled vocabulary provides a consistent way to describe data. Examples of controlled vocabularies include subject headings, thesauri, ...

Focus on Metadata: Using Controlled Vocabularies for Subject Terms

Controlled vocabularies are a great tool for this work, yet not all controlled vocabularies will fit with every project.

Controlled vocabularies — Research Data Management - KU Leuven

Metadata fields contains short lists with clearly defined terms or you can choose terms of an integrated keyword controlled vocabulary (e.g. ...

Metadata (part 2): Controlled Vocabulary and Metadata - SCIS

In this article another aspect of metadata is considered: controlled vocabulary for subject searching.

I2: (Meta)data use vocabularies that follow the FAIR principles

I2: (Meta)data use vocabularies that follow the FAIR principles · F1: (Meta) data are assigned globally unique and persistent identifiers · F2: Data are ...

Using Controlled Vocabularies in Research - FASEB

Sources. Bolam, Mike. “Metadata & Discovery @ Pitt: Taxonomies and Controlled Vocabularies.” University of Pittsburgh Library System, September 26, 2023.

Metadata: Controlled Vocabularies - Research Guides

Controlled Vocabularies. In addition to selecting a metadata standard or schema, whenever possible you should use a controlled vocabulary. A ...

Controlled vocabularies & ontologies – Metadata

An ontology (in this context) is a controlled vocabulary, that apart from being a list of agreed terms, also captures relationships between these terms.

Controlled Vocabularies and Thesauri - Metadata

Controlled Vocabularies and Thesauri · AGROVOC (Agricultural Organization of the United Nations Vocabulary) · ASIS&T Thesaurus · Unified ...

Standard Vocabularies - Research Data Management - LibGuides

Standard Vocabularies. An important part of making your data interoperable and reusable (the I and R in FAIR) is to use standardised metadata ...

Metadata for Describing Digital Objects: Vocabularies - Library Guides

A guide for Appalachian State University faculty, staff and students who are creating metadata for a digital project.

Metadata Dictionary and Usage Guide - New York Heritage

CONTENTdm will only search phrases as exact strings of words if the metadata field has been set up as a controlled vocabulary and is searchable. Fields that ...

Controlled Vocabularies | Librarians and Archivists

Subject cataloging depends on lists of controlled subject access vocabulary and thesauri. Library of Congress catalog records generally feature subject ...

Use controlled vocabulary - CONTENTdm - OCLC Support

A controlled vocabulary defines a list of valid terms that can appear in metadata fields within CONTENTdm.

What are metadata, metadata schemas, controlled vocabularies and ...

Metadata schemas (or metadata standards) are compilations of categories for describing data. A distinction is made between interdisciplinary or independent ...

DCMI Metadata Terms - Dublin Core

DCMI metadata terms are expressed in RDF vocabularies for use in Linked Data. Creators of non-RDF metadata can use the terms in contexts ...

A Controlled Vocabulary and Metadata Schema for Materials ...

Here we describe the process, the resulting vocabulary and XML schema, and lessons learned in the development and use of the schema.