
Multiplicative persistence

Persistence of a number - Wikipedia

Usually, this involves additive or multiplicative persistence of a non-negative integer, which is how often one has to replace the number by the sum or product ...

Multiplicative Persistence -- from Wolfram MathWorld

Multiply all the digits of a number n by each other, repeating with the product until a single digit is obtained. The number of steps required is known as ...

Multiplicative Persistence - Highest persistence found? - MathOverflow

The comments in OEIS claim various lower bounds on the size of a number of persistence 12: a comment in 2019 claims 1020585, and a comment in ...

Multiplicative persistence base 10: some new null results

The number of steps, p, that it takes for n to be changed to the single digit end-point, is called the multiplicative persistence of n (Sloane, 1973). The ...

Multiplicative Persistence and Absolute Multiplicative Persistence

The largest multiplicative persistence of a number in any base is defined as its absolute multiplicative persistence. 2 Two-digit numbers. The ...

The Multiplicative Persistence Conjecture Is True for Odd Targets

The number of steps \Xi(n) needed to reach \Delta(n), called the multiplicative persistence of n or \textsl{the height of n} is conjectured to ...

Multiplicative Persistence | MathPickle

(Gottlieb, 1969). The persistence of an integer is the number of times you can perform the following before ending up at a single digit: 1) Take the digits of ...

A003001 - OEIS

The persistence of a number (A031346) is the number of times you need to multiply the digits together before reaching a single digit. From David A. Corneth, Sep ...

Multiplicative Persistence Codewars Challenge - Stack Overflow

The challenge is to write a function, persistence, that takes in a positive parameter num and returns its multiplicative persistence.

No multiplicative persistence of 12 up to 400 digits - Reddit

The program just finished checking the 400-digit numbers, and it found nothing with a multiplicative persistence higher than 11 so far.

Multiplicative Persistence (extra footage) - Numberphile - YouTube

Main video: Matt's book: This video follows our main Numberphile video with Matt Parker ...

Fun with Math: Calculating Multiplicative Persistence - BiteofanApple

Multiplicative Persistence is a little number trick you can play with integers. Here's how it works: If this number is greater than 9, do it again.

What's special about 277777788888899? - Numberphile - YouTube

Matt Parker discusses multiplicative persistence. Check out Brilliant (get 20% off their premium service): ...

programming-challenges/ ... - GitHub

Using the Python language, have the function MultiplicativePersistence(num) take the num parameter being passed which will always be a positive integer.

Multiplicative Persistence - Random Thoughts from a Nonlinear Mind

The Multiplicative Persistence of a number is equal to the number of steps required to get to a single digit. Really simple and pretty cool.

A result of Erdos: the multiplicative persistence of - n - is at most - c

A result of Erdos: the multiplicative persistence of n is at most cln(lnn) ... Multiply all the digits of a number n by each other, repeating with ...

Multiplicative Persistence... What's special about 277777788888899?

Based on this Numberphile video: Multiply all the digits of a nonnegative integer n by each ...

Multiplicative digital root - Wikipedia

1 Definition · 2 Multiplicative persistence · 3 Extension to negative integers · 4 Programming example · 5 See also · 6 References · 7 Literature · 8 External links ...

MultiplicativePersistence | Wolfram Function Repository

The number of multiplications required to reach the single digit stopping point is called the multiplicative persistence of n. As an example, consider n=14691:.

Multiplicative Persistence

Multiplicative Persistence. Multiply all the digits of a number $n$ by each other, repeating with the product until a single Digit is obtained.

Persistence of a number

In mathematics, the persistence of a number is the number of times one must apply a given operation to an integer before reaching a fixed point at which the operation no longer alters the number.

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