
Multiplicity issues in clinical trials

An introduction to multiplicity issues in clinical trials - Oxford Academic

The purpose of this article is to provide an introduction to multiple testing issues in clinical trials, and to reduce confusion around the need for ...

Points to consider on multiplicity issues in clinical trials

There are further areas concerning multiplicity in clinical trials which, according the above list of issues, are not the focus of this document. For ...

Multiplicity in a Clinical Trial: Why is it Important?

Multiplicity is an issue that should be controlled for in clinical studies which assess the primary endpoint in more than one way.

Multiplicity adjustments in parallel-group multi-arm trials sharing a ...

Multiplicity is a major consideration in the analysis of clinical trials. It occurs when multiple significance tests are carried out, increasing the family-wise ...

Multiplicity Considerations in Clinical Trials - SIREN Network

This problem commonly arises in clinical trials that have several clinical objectives based on the evaluation of multiple end points or multiple ...

An introduction to multiplicity issues in clinical trials: the what, why ...

In clinical trials it is not uncommon to face a multiple testing problem which can have an impact on both type I and type II error rates, ...

Handling Multiplicity in Clinical Trials

Multiplicity refers to a problem which occurs when multiple statistical tests are conducted in each study, such that the probability of finding false positives ...

Guideline on Multiplicity Issues in Clinical Trials (Trial Version)

Multiplicity issue is common in clinical trials, which refers to the situation where the study conclusion relies on a set of statistical inferences.

Prevalence of Multiplicity and Appropriate Adjustments Among ...

Multiplicity refers to the “potential inflation of type I error rate as a result of multiple testing, for example because of multiple subgroup ...

Guideline on multiplicity issues in clinical trials - for publication

6. This guideline replaces the 'Points to consider on multiplicity issues in clinical trials'. 7. (CPMP/EWP/908/99).

Multiplicity Considerations in Clinical Trials - AUB

This problem commonly arises in clinical trials that have several clinical objectives based on the evaluation of multiple end points or multiple ...

Editorial: Multiplicity issues in clinical trials - Wiley Online Library

The draft guidance documents review the fundamental principles of multiple comparisons, for example, the concept of strong familywise error rate control.

Multiple Endpoints in Clinical Trials - Guidance for Industry - FDA

... Multiplicity issues in clinical trials with. 68 multiple objectives, Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 5(4): 321-337. 69. 70. Guidance for industry E9 ...

Handling Multiplicity in Clinical Trials

The more one tests, the more one is going to find a “significant” result by pure chance. Multiplicity refers to a problem which occurs when multiple statistical ...

Quick Guide to Biostatistics in Clinical Research: Multiplicity - Enago

Multiple testing occurs when more than one independent statistical tests are performed on the data. This can occur in any of the clinical trial ...

Full article: Special Issue: Multiplicity Issues in Clinical Trials

Special Issue: Multiplicity Issues in Clinical Trials ... It is very common for clinical trials to report multiple conclusions. The conclusions may be based on ...

Controlling for Multiplicity, Eligibility, and Exclusions - SpringerLink

Introduction. Multiplicity problems in clinical trials results from conducting many comparisons within a single trial. Scenarios include ...

Approaches to multiplicity in publicly funded pragmatic randomised ...

Multiple treatment comparisons arise when participants are randomised to one of more than two groups, meaning multiple pairwise comparisons are ...

Full article: Multiplicity Issues in Clinical Trials With Multiple Objectives

In the context of clinical trials with multiple endpoints, it is the probability of concluding an effect on at least one endpoint when there is ...

Multiple Endpoints in Clinical Trials | FDA

Most clinical trials performed in drug development contain multiple endpoints to assess the effects of the drug and to document the ability of ...