
My Jane Austen Problem

My Jane Austen Problem - Richard Geib

There are petty jealousies and painful heartbreaks, and grand gestures and deep love. There are no supernatural phenomena or extraordinary ...

Does it annoy you that people get Jane Austen wrong? - Reddit

Much of Jane Austen's juvenilia - particularly Love and Freindship - mocks and satirises traditional romantic fiction. I found this startlingly ...

The Trouble with Jane Austen - Vassar, the Alumnae/i Quarterly

The pressure to be accomplished and high-achieving — to live up to their own (and their parents') expectations — may at times feel as suffocating as the ...

How to Misread Jane Austen | The New Yorker

Besides the usual difficulties involved in trying to extract a moral from works of literature, there is the problem of Austen's irony. She ...

What was Jane Austen wrong about? - Quora

Jane Austen had a very strong inclination almost amounting to a bias in favor of realistic fiction. She saw that most of literature in and ...

The Many Ways in Which We Are Wrong About Jane Austen

The biggest problem, though, it seems to me, is that for most people that's Jane Austen. That's what they recognize—pretty young women, big ...

On Reading and Teaching, but Not Loving, Jane Austen - The Atlantic

Austen was for girls, and I was a woman. I had my Butler (Judith not Marilyn), my Donna Haraway and her “Cyborg Manifesto,” and my Foucault (is ...

The Darker Side of Jane Austen - CrimeReads

I started reading Pride & Prejudice around the same time-aged 14 or 15. Jane Austen was the first writer to describe how the English Law of ...

Living Through Turbulent Times with Jane Austen

Her father died, and Jane, her mother, and her sister entered a condition of genteel homelessness. As I read this, Austen's novels began to fall ...

Sweet Jane…and the problems of writing

My 2013 reading list contains two Austen novels – the subject of this piece, Mansfield Park, perhaps Austen's most problematic work, and what is ...

OT: The Price is–wrong? My problems with an Austen poor relation

I have to confess, Mansfield Park as a novel is a problem for me largely because Fanny Price is a problem for me as a heroine. She's so shy and ...

Recognizing the Enduring Whiteness of Jane Austen - Literary Hub

After finding myself fatigued towards the end of the semester by all the British domestic drama of Austen's oeuvre, I zone out during a ...

Jane Austen Breaks All My Writing Rules. I Love Her Anyway.

Concrete, sensory descriptions of such things just aren't that important to Jane Austen's kind of storytelling. The physical facts of the world ...

A Jane Austen Kind of Guy - The American Scholar

The other impulse rejects the idea that men—that real men—would want to enter Austen's world to begin with. We still have trouble with gender, ...

How do you solve a problem like Jane Austen? - The New Yorker

Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet, and Their Other Loves," which, like a reliable high-school gossip, airs scandalous hints that some characters may have ...

Issue 25: Jane Austen as social history


What would Jane Austen do? - by Gillian Polack - The History Girls

I use the landline for: · 1) Medical emergencies – it's my reliable number for ambulance and the after hours doctor. · 2) A number that doesn't ...

Jane Austen | Writing Forums

Its a love story and you need to realize that. This society of "Good Manners" existed, so its not superficial. That is how people acted back ...

8 Ways to Live Like Jane Austen - Syrie James

When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.” (She may only be saying it to impress Mr. Darcy, but ...

Want to Know Yourself Better? Jane Austen Is Here to Help.

Self-knowledge and growth are necessary for a happy ending, not just to novels but to our story. If Austen were to answer the question, “How do ...